本サイト 一橋大学機関リポジトリ(HERMES-IR)



2024年03月 発行
湯浅 俊介、辛 承理、赤嶺 淳  Yuasa Shunsuke, Shin Seunglee, Akamine Jun
韓半島東南部における捕鯨の記録① 韓海に君臨した東洋捕鯨株式会社
History of Modern Whaling in the Southeastern Korean Peninsula : A Preliminary Analysis

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2024年03月 発行
湯浅 俊介、辛 承理、赤嶺 淳  Yuasa Shunsuke, Shin Seunglee, Akamine Jun
韓半島東南部における捕鯨の記録② 韓国捕鯨の「挫折」と捕鯨政治
History of Modern Whaling in the Southeastern Korean Peninsula : A Preliminary Analysis

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2024年 発行


2023年 発行

于 薇  Wei Yu
Exploiting Fields and Beyond: Labor Shortages and Corvée Policies in the Western-Zhou Royal Domains

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飯川 遥、池田 開、本田 茜吏、神崎 祥輝  Haruka Iikawa, Kai Ikeda, Senri Honda, Shoki Kanzaki
Reorientation of The Concept of Mind: Toward the Contemporary Perspective on Reasons for Action

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田中 拓道  Takuji Tanaka
Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann, and Bruno Palier eds., The World Politics of Social Investment, vol. 1, Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy, vol. 2, The Politics of Varying Social Investment Strategies, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022.

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伊藤 将人  Masato Ito
地域おこし協力隊制度の分析によるモビリティと政策の関連性の一考察―Kaufmann のモティリティ概念 アクセス・スキル・認知的専有に着目して―
Exploring the Relationship Between Mobility and Policy Through an Analysis of the Local Vitalization Cooperator: Focusing on Kaufmann's Concept of ‘Motility’

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赤海 勇人  Hayato Akaumi
Rosa Luxemburg’s Theory of “Socialist Democracy”: On the “Freedom of Those Who Think differently”

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太田 泰幹  Taiki Ohta
The Role of Intuition and Deliberation in Moral Judgment

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鈴木 良和  Yoshikazu Suzuki
Microhistory and Qualitative Research Methods

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牧野 望実  Nozomi Makino
Ritual Process to Change the Feudal Lord in Kasama Domain

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水林 純  Jun Mizubayashi
The Relationship between Dogō (Powerful Local Clans) and Kunishū (Local Lords) in the Eastern Villages of Japan During the Sengoku Period: A Study of Documents with Katsurayama Ujimoto’s Original Seal dated April 27, 1552

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関 千賀子  Chikako Seki
The Edo Shogunate’s Brothels Policy Analyzed using Shin-Yoshihara Regulations

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陳 明華(佐藤 仁史 訳)  Minghua Chen(Translation by Yoshifumi Sato)
Chinese Folk Religion and Artifacts: Scriptures, Seals, and Religious Credentials of Vegetarian Sects in Southeast China during the Qing Dynasty

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2022年 発行

宮崎 早季  Saki Miyazaki
The Forcible Eviction of the Japanese in Hawaiʻi during the Pacific War: Narratives of the Evictees

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石居 人也、長島 祐基、高田 雅士、長谷川 達朗  Hitonari Ishii, Yuki Nagashima, Masashi Takada, Tatsuro Hasegawa
Reviewing Union Activities at Hitotsubashi University Through The Documents Stored by the Faculty and Staff Union

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高橋 駿仁  Shunji Takahashi
Study of History in the Early Enlightenment: Fréret’s Method of the Study of History and the Problem of Religion

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青木 崇  Takashi Aoki
“Word Became Flesh”: The Critique of Violence in Benjamin and Arendt

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2021年 発行

坪光 生雄  Ikuo Tsuboko
Figuring and Resonance: Charles Taylor and the Mysteries of Language

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奈倉 京子  Kyoko Nagura
The Maturity of Mothers Raising Children with Down Syndrome in Northwest China.

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堂免 隆浩  Takahiro Domen
Why Was Ball-Play in the Park Tolerated even though It Was Banned as a Nuisance to Others?: The Case of a Park Project in Funabashi City, Chiba, Japan.

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張 暁棟  Xiaodong Zhang
Politicians’ Posting Strategies on Facebook: The Case of Hong Kong.
Facebook における政治家の投稿戦略―香港を中心として―

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町村 敬志、長島 祐基、栗原 真史、杉山 怜美、髙橋 絢子、辰巳 智行、Fung Wan Yin Kimberly、山内 智瑛  Takashi Machimura,Yuki Nagashima,Masashi Kurihara,Satomi Sugiyama,Hiroko Takahashi,Tomoyuki Tatsumi,Wan Yin Kimberly Fung,Chie Yamauchi
Event Spaces under Japan’s COVID-19 Self-restraint Policy:A Survey of Tokyo Event Spaces in 2020

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上林 朋広  Tomohiro Kambayashi
Reduction of “Ambiguities”: The Collaboration of Colonial Administrators and Zulu Conservative Intellectuals in Zulu Textbook Publications, 1930-50.

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太田 浩之  Hiroyuki Ota
Comparative Examination of Francis Hutcheson and Adam Smith: Human Propensity to Prefer Simple Principles

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2020年 発行

西野 史子 半澤 誠司(共著)  Fumiko Nishino, Seiji Hanzawa
Innovation Ecosystem and Regional/Professional Labor Market: A Case Study of Boston

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井上 徹 倉田 良樹(共著)  Tooru Inoue, Yoshiki Kurata
The Intellectuals Who Defend the Foreign Workers Policy Neglecting the Existence of Migrants(1): Multicultural Co-existence Society

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井上 徹 倉田 良樹(共著)  Tooru Inoue, Yoshiki Kurata
The Intellectuals Who Defend the Foreign Workers Policy Neglecting the Existence of Migrants(2): Plain Japanese and Japanese Language Schools

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田口 陽子 大角 洋平 吉田 聡宗 吉田 真悟(共著)  Yoko Taguchi, Yohei Okado, Akimune Yoshida, Shingo Yoshida
チューターとは何か ――著者性、ライティング教育、ネイティブ・スピーカリズムをめぐる試論――
What is a Tutor? An Essay on Authorship, Writing Education, and Native Speakerism

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鈴木 知花  Tomoka Suzuki
The Ethics of Care as a Political Theory: Challenging the Rawlsian Conception of ‘Self-Respect’

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2019年 発行
特集 森岡清美調査資料群と戦後の社会調査の展開

小林 多寿子  Tazuko Kobayashi
巻頭言 特集 森岡清美調査資料群と戦後の社会調査の展開
Preface Special Issue: Kiyomi Morioka Research Documents and the Development of Social Research in Postwar Japan

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小林 多寿子  Tazuko Kobayashi
Kiyomi Morioka Research Documents as Research Heritage: How We Encountered Them

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森岡 清美  Kiyomi Morioka
Jodo Shinshu Temples, Described by Junior High School Students in Noto, Ishikawa Prefecture

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桜井 厚  Atsushi Sakurai
How Was the Fieldwork Carried Out?

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徳安 慧一  Keiichi Tokuyasu
The Debelopment and Education of Social Research Methods:Kiyomi Morioka's "Unreleased" Research Materials

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庄子 諒  Ryo Shoji
What the Experience of Kiyomi Morioka's Research Brought to Informants: A Restudy of Morioka's on the Jodo Shinshu Temples in the 1950s

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桜井 厚(編)  Atsushi Sakurai ed.
Landscapes of the Research Field as Seen form Photographs: Oku-Noto, Past and Present

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小林 多寿子  Tazuko Kobayashi
Research Practice and Research Careers in the 1950s and 1960s: Establishing the Research Style of Kiyomi Morioka

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2019年 発行

ロタード アレキサンダー  Alexander Rotard
Settler Identity and Colonial Violence in French Algeria 1945-1962: An Exploration of the Relationship between Settler Identity Formation and the Justification of Violence in Settler Colonies

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田中 拓道  Takuji Tanaka
Japanese Welfare State in Comparative Perspective: An Overview

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木場 智之  Tomoyuki Koba
内乱をめぐる言語 ――フランシスコ・デ・ビトリアの世俗権力論をめぐる政治思想史的文脈――
The Language of Revolt: The Political Thought of Francisco de Vitoria’s De Potestate Civili and Its Context

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牟禮 拓朗  Takuro Mure
現代チュニジアにおける「民主化」維持の要因に関する研究――権威主義体制期の女性政策の意図せざる結果としてのTwin Tolerations――
The Theory of Democratization in Tunisia: Linkage between Authoritarian Regime and Twin Tolerations

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倉田 良樹  Yoshiki Kurata
From Theory of Structuration to Sociology of Knowledge (4)

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萩田 翔太郎  Shotaro Hagita
「キャリコ裂き」の成立 ――18世紀初頭ロンドンの騒擾をめぐるステレオタイプの用法について――
The Formation of ‘Calico-Tearing’: A Study of the Uses of Stereotypes on the Riots in Early Eighteenth-Century London

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2018年 発行

鈴木 直樹  Naoki Suzuki
A Study of “Kyuukemono-hyakusyou” Ancestor’s Features in "Shinpen Musashi Fudoki kou" and "Shinpen Sagami-no-kuni Fudoki kou"

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須田 悠基  Yuki Suda
Three Kinds of Singular Thought

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國本 哲史  Satoshi Kunimoto
Expansion of the Sociology of Death: Toward a Representational Study of Death

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崔 仁鐵  Inchul Choi
Conversion Policy and Propaganda Activities of the National Guidance Alliance in Korea

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橋詰 かすみ  Kasumi Hashizume
ジュネーヴ共和国の政治論争と『社会契約論』 ――意見書(1763年)の分析から――
Social Contract in Genevaʼs Conflicts: Examinations of Représentations of 1763

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2017年 発行

堂免 隆浩  Takahiro Domen
市民による管理運営を前提とした遊休公共用地の活用 ――持続的な多目的広場を実現させる市民グループの特性および条件――
Putting Unused Public Land to Practical Use: The Organizational Characteristics of Grassroots Groups That Have the Capacity to Maintain and Manage Sustainable Multi-purpose Squares

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岩﨑 巌、秋山 晋吾  Iwao Iwasaki, Shingo Akiyama
Using the Militär-Schematismus as a Historical Resource

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上田 尚徳  Hisanori Kamida
“Pointing Out” in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, “Sense-Certainty”

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2016年 発行

三家本 里実  Satomi Mikamoto
情報サービス産業の下流工程における雇用関係ルール――IT 労働者の「採用・配置・指揮命令」に関する実証研究――
Employment Relationship Rules for Lower-Order Processes in Information Technology Services: An Empirical Study of Recruitment, Assignment, and Supervision

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松本 礼子  Reiko Matsumoto
The Police of Paris and “Mauvais Discours”: Disagreement on the Idea of Social Order under the Absolute Monarchy in the Latter Half of the Eighteenth Century

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加藤 圭木  Keiki Kato
Japanese Military Rule in Northeastern Korea during the Russo-Japanese War

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田口 ローレンス吉孝  Lawrence Yoshitaka Taguchi
The Life Stories of Hafu in Japan: Family, School, Work, and the Street

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2015年 発行

町村 敬志、佐藤 圭一、辰巳 智行、菰田 レエ也、金 知榮、金 善美、陳 威志  Takashi Machimura, Keiichi Satoh, Tomoyuki Tatsumi, Reeya Komoda, JiYoung Kim, Sunmee Kim, Ui-chi Tan
3.11以後における「脱原発運動」の多様性と重層性 ――福島第一原発事故後の全国市民団体調査の結果から――
Diversified Background of the “Anti-nuclear Movement” After the Fukushima Accident: Results of a Nation-wide Survey of Civic Groups in Japan

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野末 和夢  Kazumu Nozue
フランスの政治文化とデモクラシー ―― P. ロザンヴァロンのフランス・デモクラシー論――
Political Culture and Democracy in France: Pierre Rosanvallon’s Theory of French Democracy

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津村 健太  Kenta Tsumura
Nostalgia Increases Self-Continuity

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森村 敏己  Toshimi Morimura
知られざる文人たちの奢侈批判 ――1782年ブザンソン・アカデミー懸賞論文――
Critiques of Luxury by Obscure Men of Letters in the French Enlightenment; A Prize Contest Held by the Academy of Besançon in 1782.

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森 啓輔  Keisuke Mori
占領下社会運動における「環境保護」フレーミングの可能性と課題 ――沖縄県国頭村伊部岳実弾射撃演習阻止闘争を事例に――
Evaluating Environmental Preservation Framing on Okinawa under US Military Occupation: A Social Movement Case Study on the Kunigami Ibudake Struggle

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多田 治  Osamu Tada
「日本のハワイ」としての沖縄の形成 ――新婚旅行ブームからリゾート・パラダイスへ――
Constructing Okinawa as Japan’s Hawai‘i: From the Honeymoon Boom to the Resort Paradise

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2015年 発行
特集 「脱/文脈化」を思考する

大杉 高司  Takashi Osugi

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大杉 高司  Takashi Osugi
序論  「脱/文脈化」を思考する
Introduction: Reflections on De/Contextualization

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丹羽 充  Mitsuru Niwa
難しく危険なコミュニケーション ――ネパールのプロテスタントの間で観察された不信の言説――
Difficult and Dangerous Communication: The Discourse of Suspicion as Observed among Protestants in Nepal

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前田 泰樹  Hiroki Maeda
Rethinking “Sociological Description”

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井川 ちとせ  Chitose Ikawa
リアリズムとモダニズム ――英文学の単線的発展史を脱文脈化する――
Realism and Modernism: De-contextualizing the Progressive, Linear Developmental History of English Literature

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深澤 英隆  Hidetaka Fukasawa
宗教経験論と脱文脈化 ――シュライアマハー『宗教について』をめぐって――
The Discourse on Religious Experience and the De-contextualization: On Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Über die Religion.

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浜田 明範  Akinori Hamada
書き換えの干渉 ――文脈作成としての政策、適応、ミステリ――
In the Interference of Rewriting Practices: Tuberculosis and Multiple Governments in Southern Ghana

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大河内 泰樹  Taiju Okochi
政治としての発話行為 ――規範性の文脈化と脱文脈化――
Speech Acts as Politics: The Contextualization and De-contextualization of Normativity

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井頭 昌彦  Masahiko Igashira
物語り論的アプローチによる自由意思擁護論の再検討 ――諸コンテクストはそもそも/どの程度統合されねばならないのか?――
On the Narrativist Argument for Free Will: To What Extent Do We Have to Unify Modal Contexts?

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武村 知子  Tomoko Takemura
ULOGOS ――映像一般と人間の言語――
ULOGOS: On Image as Such, and the Language of Man

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大杉 高司  Takashi Osugi
「キューバ革命の緑化」とマリノフスキーの子供たち ――持続可能エコロジー農業の実験から――
“The Greening of the Cuban Revolution” and Malinowski’s Children

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2014年 発行

金 美珍  Mijin Kim
韓国の非正規職保護をめぐる労働組合と社会運動の連携に関する一考察 ――「非正規労働者基本権保障と差別撤廃のための共同対策委員会」の事例を中心に――
A Study of the Formation of Coalitions between Social Movements and Labor Unions in Korea: The Case of the Associational Commitee for Non-regular Workers

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渡辺 頼陽  Raihi Watanabe
Possibilities and Meanings of the "Religious Middle Position" in Peter L. Berger

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上野 太祐  Taisuke Ueno
What Is the Significance of the Maxim "Don't Forget Your Shoshin" in the Development of Zeami’s Thought?

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丸山 空大  Takao Maruyama
The Debate on the Essence of Judaism and German Jewry at the Turn of the 20th Century

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坪光 生雄  Ikuo Tsuboko
“Apologetics” for the Secular Age: Charles Taylor’s Theological History

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川口 遼  Ryo Kawaguchi
R.W. コンネルの男性性理論の批判的検討 ――ジェンダー構造の多元性に配慮した男性性のヘゲモニー闘争の分析へ――
Rethinking R.W. Connell's Masculinity Theory: Toward a Gender Analysis of the Hegemonic Struggles of Masculinities

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木下 江美  Emi Kinoshita
Bildung in German Biographical Studies: New Research Perspectives Focusing on Methodological Development in Educational Studies

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隅田 聡一郎  Soichiro Sumida
Marx and the Irish Question: On the General Law of Capitalist Accumulation in Capital

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箕輪 理美  Satomi Minowa
From Same-Sex Acts to a Homosexual Identity?: Historiographical Debate on the Formation of Modern Sexuality in the United States

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2013年 発行

瀬畑 源  Hajime Sebata
The Process of Restructuring the Imperial Household Ministry in Occupied Japan

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須藤 孝也  Takaya Suto
The Humble Existence: Kierkegaard and Cynicism

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福富 満久  Mitsuhisa Fukutomi
Syria and the Logic of Military Intervention:Perspectives from the Thought of Michael Walzer and Michael Ignatieff

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松田 英里  Eri Matsuda
「一時賜金癈兵」の増加恩給獲得運動 ――運動における戦争体験のもつ意味――
War Experiences and the Japanese Movement for Veteran Pensions

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鈴木 淳世  Yoshitoki Suzuki
十九世紀前半における「鉄山支配人」の性格 ――八戸藩領「中間層」の場合――
The Nature of ‘Iron Mine Administrators’ during the Edo Period in the First Half of the 19th Century: The Case of ‘the Middle Class’ in the Hachinohe Clan

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加藤 圭木  Keiki Kato
Local Communities and the Construction of Military Bases in Korea during and after the Russo-Japanese War: The Case of the Gulf of Yeongheung

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熊谷 有理  Yuri Kumagai
表象が「社会的である」とはいかなることか ―― S. モスコヴィシの社会的表象理論の検討を通じて――
In What Sense Is Representation Social? An Examination of Moscovici’s Representation Theory

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2012年 発行

大河内 泰樹  Taiju Okochi
合理性の階梯 ― R・ブランダムにおけるヘーゲル主義への一視角
The Stages of Reason: R. Brandom’s Hegelianism and the Historical Conception of Rationality

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倉田 良樹  Yoshiki Kurata
From Theory of Structuration to Sociology of Knowledge (3)

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佐々木 綾子  Ayako Sasaki
Establishing a Protection System for Male Victims of Human Trafficking

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阿部 里加  Rika Abe
Volition as an inner capacity in Arendt’s Willing

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秋山 道宏  Michihiro Akiyama
日本復帰前後の沖縄における島ぐるみの運動の模索と限界 ―尖閣列島の資源開発をめぐる運動がめざしたもの―
Exploring the Possibility of Sparking a Movement Involving all Inhabitants of Okinawa at the time of the Reversion: Objectives Behind the Struggle for Resource Development on Senkaku Islands

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2011年 発行

倉田 良樹  Yoshiki Kurata
From Theory of Structuration to Sociology of Knowledge (2)

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源氏田 憲一  Kenichi Genjida
Hitotsubashi University undergraduates’ belief in the possibility of world peace: Research on peace consciousness from a social psychological perspective.

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中澤 篤史  Atsushi Nakazawa
A postwar history of extracurricular sport activities in Japan (2): focusing on the transition of discourse and the relations between the actual situation, policy and discourse

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中澤 篤史  Atsushi Nakazawa
A postwar history of extracurricular sport activities in Japan (1):focusing on the transition of the actual situation and policy

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山室 信高  Nobutaka Yamamuro
The Buddenbrooks’ Ethic and the Insanity of the Spirit of Capitalism: Reflections on Thomas Mann’s Buddenbrooks through Max Weber’s Thesis on Protestantism

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2010年 発行

土肥恒之先生著作目録作成委員会  Dohi Tsuneyuki sensei chosaku mokuroku sakusei iinkai
Bibliography of the writings of Tsuneyuki Dohi, Professor Emeritus of Hitotsubashi University

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淵田 仁  Masashi Fuchida
ルソーの歴史認識における「起源」概念について ―コンディヤックとビュフォンを通じて―
On the concept of “origin” in Rousseauistic understanding of history: through an examination of Condillac and Buffon

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荒井 一博、松塚 ゆかり、山本 宏樹  Kazuhiro Arai, Yukari Matsuzuka, Hiroki Yamamoto
教育の社会資本形成機能 ―理論と実証
Education as a Source of Social Capital : Theories and Empirical Analyses

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高瀬 久直  Hisanao Takase
Recent ‘elite’ studies in Europe and the United States

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中澤 高師  Takashi Nakazawa
受苦の集中と分散をめぐる紛争過程 ―町田市廃プラスチック中間処理施設問題を事例として―
Conflicts over Concentration and Dispersion of Costs

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下村 育世、石川 偉子  Ikuyo Shimomura, Yoriko Ishikawa
丶心道の教祖熊﨑健翁の人生史 ―その思想形成と活動の変遷
The life history of Kumasaki Ken’ō, the founder of Chushin-do: the development of his ideas and changes in his life

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綱川 歩美  Ayumi Tsunakawa
The perception and embodiment of the Ansai school on academic learning in the first half of the 18th century during the Edo period - On the basis of analysis of the academic activities of Naokata Sato and his students -

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堂免 隆浩  Takahiro Domen
The role of conflict prevention by neighborhood associations in order to protect residential environments.:A case of its role as an intermediary between residents and builders in Tamagawa-gakuen.

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2009年 発行

森村 敏己  Toshimi Morimura
商人貴族論の射程 : 貴族は有用な市民か?
The Debate over la noblesse commerçante in Ancien Regime France : How can Nobles be Useful Citizens?

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田中 佳  Kei Tanaka
ルーヴル美術館構想の萌芽 : リュクサンブール宮ギャラリーの開設とその機能(一七四七―一七五〇年)
The Origin of the Idea of Creating the Louvre Museum : Foundation of the Royal Gallery of the Luxembourg Palace and its Function (1747-1750)

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2009年8月 発行

倉田 良樹  Yoshiki Kurata
From Theory of Structuration to Sociology of Knowledge

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津崎 克彦  Katsuhiko Tsuzaki
Enhanced Diversity and Essentiality of Non-regular Employees in Japan

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崔 梅花  Cui Meihua
Restructuring of Press Control Strategy in China since the 1990s

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佐々木 隆治  Ryuji Sasaki
価値形態論における「商品語」について : 『資本論』における物象化論の適切な理解のために
"Warensprache" in the Theory of Value Form : For the Appropriate Understanding of the Theory of Reification in Das Kapital

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下村 育世  Ikuyo Shimomura
杉浦重剛における伝統と近代科学 : 高島嘉右衛門の易に対する理解をめぐって
Tradition and Modern Science in Sugiura Shigetake : Referring to His Understanding of Ideas of the I Ching

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藤田 公二郎  Kojiro Fujita
Foucault's reading of Descartes

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神代 健彦  Takehiko Kumashiro
A Study of "Seinengakkou"s Educational Survey from System Theory

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丹羽 充  Mitsuru Niwa
「信念」概念の再考 : 米国の保守福音派キリスト教徒について
Rethinking the Concept "Belief" : A Case study of the Conservative Evangelicals in the United States

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源氏田 憲一  Kenichi Genjida
A Research on Perceived Social Support at Group Level

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2009年3月 発行
特集 中国の格差、日本の格差 - 格差社会をめぐる日中共同シンポジウム -

西村 可明、張 再興、王 一程  Yoshiaki Nishimura, Zhang Zaixing , Wang Yicheng
Opening Addresses

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渡辺 雅男  Masao Watanabe
A Report of the Symposium

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李 強  Li Qiang
New Trends of Current Social Stratification in Mainland China

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渡辺 雅男  Masao Watanabe
The Notion of 'Civil Society' in Post-War Japan

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韓 立新  Han Rishin
中国の市民社会論批判 : 私的所有権の確立と社会格差の問題
Criticism of the Theory of "Civil Society" of Chinese Scholars : Problems in the Establishment of Private Property and Difference of Wealth

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町村 敬志  Takashi Machimura
Multiscalar Structure of Inequality in Contemporary Japan

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小椋 宗一郎  Souichirou Ogura
ドイツにおける妊娠中絶論争 : 法と技術の倫理から身体と対話の倫理へ
The Abortion Debate in Germany : From the Ethics of Right and Technology to the Ethics of Body and Dialogue

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藤岡 伸明  Nobuaki Fujioka
近年における若者研究の動向 : 包括的アプローチの現状と課題
Recent Studies on Young People in Japan : Current Status and Issues of the Holistic Approach

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2008年12月 発行

嶋崎 隆  Takashi Shimazaki
現代における新ヘーゲル主義の登場 ——言語論的転回とプラグマティズム的転回をめぐって
Der gegenwärtige Neo-Hegelianismus in den USA

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渡辺 雅男  Masao Watanabe
戦後日本における階級政治の発見 ——問題の提起
Rediscovery of Class Politics in Postwar Japan

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蓑輪 明子  Akiko Minowa
一九二〇年代の「家」制度改正論 ——臨時法制審議会の民法改正構想を素材に——
The Reform of the House (Ie) on the Gists of the Amendment of the Meiji Civil Code

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南 修平  Shuhei Minami
The Closing of the Brooklyn Navy Yard and the Life and Labor of Workers in New York City

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石橋 悠人  Yuto Ishibashi
一八世紀英国による太平洋探検と科学 ——「天文学者」の数学的観察を中心に——
Astronomers in Travel : Eighteenth Century's Science and the British Explorations in the Pacific

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岩崎 周一  Shuichi Iwasaki
「共通の危機」が国家をつくる ——近世ハプスブルク君主国における軍事と諸身分——
"Aus der 'gemeinen Not' wurde der Staat geboren". Stände und Militarwesen in der fruhneuzeitlichen Habsburgermonarchie

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武井 寛  Hiroshi Takei
北部都市における公立学校の人種隔離撤廃運動 ——一九六〇年代のシカゴを事例にして——
Desegregating Public Schools in the Northern Cities: In the Case of 1960s Chicago

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2008年6月 発行
特集 環境問題の理論と実践

嶋崎 隆  Takashi Shimazaki
Über Grundprobleme der „Ökologische"

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岩佐 茂  Shigeru Iwasa
Die ökologische Form des praktischen Materialismus

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熊坂 元大  Motohiro Kumasaka
On the Concept of Freedom and its Current Problems in the Environmental Ethics

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李 全鵬  Li Quanpeng
中国の初・中等教育における環境教育の制約要因について ——その歴史と現状を通して——
Constraining Factors of China's Environmental Education at Primary and Secondary Levels : Through the Analysis of its History and Status Quo

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尹 秀麗  Yin Xiuli
中国の生活ごみ処理の現状とごみ処理有料化政策 ——遼寧省・大連市を事例に——
Current Status of Household Waste Treatment in China and its Charging Policy for Waste Collection : A Case Study of Dalian Liaoning

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津崎 克彦、倉田 良樹、荒井 一博  Katsuhiko Tsuzaki, Yoshiki Kurata, Kazuhiro Arai
平成不況期の人的資源管理改革による従業員意識の個人化 ——市場化する雇用関係——
Individualization of Workers' Perspective on Work Generated by the Corporate HRM Reform during the Heisei Recession : Emergence of Market-Oriented Employment Relations

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大河内 泰樹  Taiju Okochi
啓蒙への関心とその限界 ——初期ハーバーマスの認識論とドイツ観念論——
Das Interesse der Aufklärung und ihre Grenze. Die Erkenntnistheorie des frühen Habermas und der deutsche Idealismus

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張 紅琳  Zhang Honglin
Head Accessories of Women of the Ming Dynasty as Represented in Jinpingmei

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渡辺 雅男  Masao Watanabe
サービスとはなにか ——問題の理解と提起をめぐる誤り——
What is the Service? : the Use and Misuse of it

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2007年7月 発行

多田 治  Osamu Tada
戦前期の観光における沖縄イメージの形成 ——国家主義時代の観光と知——
The Formation of Okinawa Images in Prewar Tourism : Tourism and Episteme in the Age of Nationalism

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石井 美保  Miho Ishii
聖霊の贈与 ——ガーナ南部のカリスマ派独立教会における癒しの儀式と女性——
The Gift of the Holy Spirit : Healing Rituals and Gender in an Independent Charismatic Church in Southern Ghana

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中島 醸  Jo Nakajima
アメリカ全国労働関係法とニューディール・リベラル派 ——立法過程における対抗関係——
The National Labor Relations Act and New Deal Liberals

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御園 敬介  Keisuke Misono
フランスにおける反ジャンセニスム政策の形成 —1654年9月の教皇インノケンティウス10世の小勅書Ex litterisをめぐって——
La formation de la politique antijanseniste en France : autour du bref Ex litteris du 29 septembre 1654 du pape Innocent X

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小林 玲子  Reiko Kobayashi
統監府・朝鮮総督府による間島および豆満江における取締と警備体制 ——1907年〜1910年を中心に——
Regulation and Defense of the Kando and Tuman Rivers by the Residency General and Korean Government General, 1907-1910

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神﨑 豊  Yutaka Kanzaki
皇室における公職追放問題 ——裕仁天皇と成年に達した皇族男子の場合——
The Purging from Public Office of the Menbers of the Japanese Imperial House : The Cases of Emperor Hirohito and the Male Members of the Imperial Family Having Reached their Majority

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山岡 健次郎  Kenjiro Yamaoka
Nations and Refugees

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2007年3月 発行

瀬畑 源  Hajime Sebata
小泉信三の象徴天皇論 : 『帝室論』と『ジョオジ五世伝』を中心として
Shinzo Koizumi's Theory of the Symbolic Emperor - A Study of "Teishitsuron" and "King George The Fifth"

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酒井 裕美  Hiromi Sakai
開港期の朝鮮外交主体・統理交渉通商事務衙門の対内活動 ——甲申政変前の外交関連政策を中心に——
Domestic Diplomacy in Korea's Open Ports Period - A Study of Diplomatic Policy before the Kapshin - Jǒngbyǒn of 1884

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マンダフ・アリウンサイハン  Mandakh Ariunsaikhan
The Soviet-Mongolian Friendship and Mutual Assistance Protocol of 1936 and its Impact on Japanese-Sino-Soviet Relations

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吉川 良和  Yoshikazu Kikkawa
On the Life of Wang-Zhongsheng - a revised and enlarged version of my previous study

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小川 勝  Masaru Ogawa
消費財デザインにおけるモダニズム実践の難しさ ——『リビングデザイン』を読む——
The Difficulty of Realizing Modernism in Consumer Goods Design - Reading Living Design

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渡辺 雅男  Masao Watanabe
現代市民社会論の源流 ——高島善哉の「市民制社会」概念——
Zenya Takashima as a Source of Conseptual Models of Civil Society in Japan

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村田 光二、高木 彩、高田 雅美、藤島 喜嗣  Koji Murata, Aya Takagi, Masami Takada, Yoshitsugu Fujishima
計画錯誤の現場研究 ——活動の過大視、障害想像の効果、時間厳守性との関係——
Empirical Studies of the Planning Fallacy: Overestimated Activity, Imagined Obstacles, and a Relationship to Punctuality

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2007年1月 発行
特集 新しい市民社会の諸相

渡辺 治  Osamu Watanabe
刊行の辞 『一橋社会科学』の船出にあたって
Editorial Note

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安丸 良夫  Yoshio Yasumaru
社会学部記念講演会 社会学部の学問を振り返って
Special Contribution

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平子 友長  Tomonaga Tairako
Two Origins of the European Concept of Civil Society; Societas Civilis and Buergerliche Gesellschaft

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渡辺 雅男  Masao Watanabe
市民社会の帝国主義 ——マルクスにおける概念の提起——
The Empire of Civil Society: A Reappraisal of Marx's Social Theory

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鵜飼 健文  Takefumi Ukai
ポピュラリティと共同性 ——政治空間の変容の中で——
Popularity and Community; Within the Transition of Political Sphere

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高田 一夫  Kazuo Takada
市民社会指標の概念構成 ——調査の仮説——
Basic Hypothesis for Civil Society Index

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林 大樹  Hiroki Hayashi
Potentiality for Community Business and for Social Entrepreneur in Japan

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西野 史子  Fumiko Nishino
Expansion of Flexible Workforce and Reorganization of Employment Categories

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佐々木 貴雄  Takao Sasaki
A study of Insurers in Prevention of Life-Style Related Diseases

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町村 敬志  Takashi Machimura
戦後日本における映像体験と社会統合 ——映画『佐久間ダム』上映過程と「観る」主体の形成——
Constructing Developmentalism through Visual Experiences in the Postwar Japan; Documentary movie "Sauma Dam Project" and its Audience Structure

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