本サイト 一橋大学機関リポジトリ(HERMES-IR)


 源氏田 憲一 Kenichi Genjida
Hitotsubashi University undergraduates’ belief in the possibility of world peace: Research on peace consciousness from a social psychological perspective.
2011年05月 発行

[ 要旨 ]

 戦争を終わらせるという平和運動を担うための、私たち一人ひとりの心理的要因として、どのようなものがあるだろうか? 本研究は心理学的社会心理学の立場から「戦争を終わらせることができる」という信念、すなわち世界平和の実現可能性の信念を取り上げた。国立情報学研究所の論文情報ナビゲータを用いた日本の平和意識研究のレビューから、心理的な平和意識項目が少ないこと、平和意識の関連要因があまり検討されておらず、内容も政治的・歴史的なものが多いことが明らかとなった。先行研究での心理的な平和意識の検討から、平和への「希望」の側面をもっと研究すべきこと、特に戦争は終わらせることができるという信念が直接的に調査されておらず、また、そうした平和意識の規定因の調査が不足していることが指摘された。以上のことを踏まえ、一橋大生を対象に、世界平和の実現可能性の信念を測定し、その関連要因を社会心理学的なもの(社会関係要因や心理的要因)を中心に検討する調査を実施した。世界平和の実現可能性について、全体的にやや悲観的な見方がされていた。世界平和への実現可能性の信念は、従来の平和意識調査で主流だった政治的(イラク戦争への関心)、歴史的(アジア太平洋戦争への関心)な平和意識と関連していた。また、世界平和の実現可能性の信念を従属変数とする重回帰分析の結果、自己効力感、パーソナルな対人関係の重視度、居住地への帰属意識、アジアへの帰属意識、世界への帰属意識、新自由主義的イデオロギーの各変数が有意な効果を持っていた。これらの結果が平和心理学の知見を参考に考察された。

[ Abstract ]

What psychological factors do people, as actors in the peace movement, need to possess in order to remove war and conflict from the world permanently? This study focused on the belief that it is possible to rid the planet of war and conflict forever, in other words, that world peace is a possibility. Scholarly and Academic Information Navigator, which is operated by the National Institute of Informatics, was used to search empirical studies about peace consciousness published in Japan, and these studies were reviewed. This search revealed that research items concerning peace consciousness from a psychological point of view are few, and that the studies that do exist mainly examine the political and/or historical aspects of peace consciousness. From an examination of the psychological aspects of peace consciousness in preceding studies, it seemed clear that the hope for peace should be studied more, and that the belief in the possibility that war and conflict could be ended forever had not been looked at directly. In addition, it was realized that studies which examined the relationships between these variables of peace consciousness and other variables (determinants) were few, and deficient in certain areas. Based on these considerations, a survey of undergraduates of Hitotsubashi University was conducted and analyzed; it inquired into belief in the possibility of world peace and examined the correlates of such belief, especially social psychological variables (social relationship factors and psychological factors). The results regarding belief in world peace tended to be pessimistic overall. Belief in the possibility of world peace was significantly linked to political and historical aspects of peace consciousness (i.e. interest in the Iraq War and interest in the Asia-Pacific War, respectively). I conducted a multiple regression analysis predicting belief in the possibility of world peace, and found that self-efficacy, the importance of personal relationships, neoliberalism, a sense of belonging to the local community, to the Asian region, and to the world as a whole, had significant effects on that belief. These results were discussed in reference to research in peace psychology.