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 渡辺 頼陽 Raihi Watanabe
Possibilities and Meanings of the "Religious Middle Position" in Peter L. Berger
2014年02月 発行

[ 要旨 ]

 そうした努力を継続している研究者にピーター・L・バーガーがいる。彼は1950年代中頃から、神学的・社会学的論文を発表し始め、当時のアメリカ社会と宗教の関係を論じ、宗教社会学者として世俗化を主張しながら、一方で「信仰者」として社会学的分析に基づく信仰の可能性を論じた。その世俗化論が、宗教理論などと一緒に最も体系づけられ論じられたのがSacred Canopy『聖なる天蓋』(1967)であるが、実はその2年後の著作から、自身の「世俗化論」への疑義が示され始めており、1971年には、その「世俗化論」は大幅に見直されることとなったのである。以降、バーガーは近代化によりもたらされた「多元性plurality」に性格付けられた現代社会の「多元的状況pluralistic situation」における宗教の社会的な変動を論じるようになる。本論文の目的の一つは、バーガーの現代社会と宗教についての分析の変遷を論じることである。

[ Abstract ]

 Secularization theories, often discussed in the 1960’s, are facing difficulties, since they seem to be incompatible with the recent global “religious revival.” However, the word “revival” implies that the decline of religions was regarded as plausible in the past and that their positions and roles in modern society are not evident. In this situation, it is important for the sociology of religion to discuss the relations of religions and modern society without extreme opinions on the unchangeable or finished state of religions.
 One scholar who has been continuing such an effort is Peter L. Berger. He began to write theological and sociological articles about the relationship of American society and religion from the mid-1950s. As a sociologist of religion, he has argued about secularization, and as a lay theologian, he has pursued the possibility of faith based on the latter. In Sacred Canopy (1967), his most famous book, he organized whole religious theories, including secularization theory. In 1971, Berger began, however, to express doubts on his own secularization theory, immediately after its publication; consequently, he withdrew and reviewed the theory. He has since discussed the changes in the social aspects of religions in the “pluralistic situation” of modern society. The first purpose of this article is thus to argue the transition in his analysis of modern society, religions, and their relationship.
 Berger has continued to consider the possibilities of religions in modern society after his revision of secularization theory. He has analyzed the correlations between the “uncertainty” of “modern society,” religions, and morality. More specifically, he has argued that this “uncertainty” has caused the cultural wars on moral issues that are often seen in discussions of religions. As a result of this analysis, he has proposed the possibility of the “religious middle position” in modern society. The second purpose of this article is to discuss this “religious middle position.”