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 倉田 良樹 Yoshiki Kurata
From Theory of Structuration to Sociology of Knowledge (4)
2019年08月 発行

[ 要旨 ]

 この論文ではさらに、創発主義的社会理論に基づいて、社会構造を概念規定したエルダー-ヴァスによるもう一つの構想についても検討した。「制度的構造と関係的構造と身体化された構造を統合する:創発主義の見解」と題された論文において、彼は「全体としての構造」という新しい構想によって、社会構造に関する学術論争に決着をつけようとした。これまでの論争を振り返り、彼は社会構造に関する概念規定を「関係としての構造」、「制度としての構造」、「身体としての構造」という三つのタイプに分類した。この分類は本論文で筆者が行ってきた分類とも一致する。彼はその代わりに、社会構造を五つの構造要素によって定義する。存在者、部分、創発特性、因果メカニズム、関係、がそれである。創発主義的な存在論に基づいて彼が行った、既存の構想に対する批判は、妥当なものである。エルダー‐ ヴァスは、社会構造に関する社会学的な研究に使える、確かな論理地図を作成するのに成功したといえる。彼の社会構造に関する構想は、さらには、知識社会学を前進させるための確かな道標にもなっている。

[ Abstract ]

 This study reviewed the academic debates on the concept of social structure, beginning with the structuration theory developed by Anthony Giddens. As a consequence of these debates, we are confronted with three positions on how to conceptualize social structure: (1) the position that vindicates structuration theory, represented by Stones; (2) the position that reinterprets it from the perspective of a constructionist social theory, represented by Sewell; and (3) the position that criticizes it from the perspective of a realist social theory, represented by Porpora.
 This study also examined another concept of social structure, developed by Elder-Vass, that is based on an emergentist social theory. In the paper titled, “Integrating Institutional, Relational and Embodied Structure: an Emergentist Perspective,” Elder-Vass attempted to settle the academic debates on social structure using his new concept: structure as wholes (entities). Looking back on past debates, he organized the concept of social structure into three types: (1) social structure as relations, (2) social structure as an institution, and (3) social structure as an embodiment. These classifications correspond to my own, as mentioned above. Furthermore, Elder-Vass pointed out that all the three concepts are incomplete, because they refer only to one facet of social structure. Alternatively, he defines social structure as characteristics comprising of five structural elements: entity, parts, emergent properties, causal mechanisms, and relations. The concept of structure as relations refers to only one element of structure: relations. The conception of structure as an institution corresponds with only one other element of structure: emergent properties. The concept of structure as an embodiment also corresponds with only one other element of structure: causal mechanism. I believe that his critique on the existing three types of conceptions from this emergentist ontological perspective is valid. Elder-Vass has drawn a reliable logical geography for the sociological study of social structure. Furthermore, by examining his concepts of social structure, we can discover a reliable framework for the sociology of knowledge.
 In the final section of this manuscript, I summarized the four chapters of previous papers I authored in serial, and made brief concluding remarks.