本サイト 一橋大学機関リポジトリ(HERMES-IR)


 浜田 明範 Akinori Hamada
書き換えの干渉 ――文脈作成としての政策、適応、ミステリ――
In the Interference of Rewriting Practices: Tuberculosis and Multiple Governments in Southern Ghana
2015年03月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

 This paper explores the dynamic nature of social context by describing the situation of tuberculosis in Southern Ghana. Using Foucault's analytical concepts of self-government and the dispositive, it discusses how what anthropologists call 'social context' is constructed through and rewritten by the effects of the context-making practices of multiple actors. Regarding tuberculosis in Southern Ghana, the largest context-making actors are the tuberculosis project supported by international agencies and NGOs, which has built on and rewritten the existing national health infrastructure. This large-scale project aims to govern the actions of tuberculosis and patients by deploying a wide range of things and humans such as pharmaceuticals, patient cards, money, health workers, the patients themselves and their family members. However, actors such as tuberculosis, patients and family members also try to make their lives better and act through different logics from that of the tuberculosis project. They are continuously remaking and rewriting the social context of their lives. Thus, the social context which canalizes the actions of different actors is not determinately constructed by a single actor, but constantly rewritten by multiple actors. It is formed in the interference of rewriting practices.
 Along with an examination of this interference of rewriting practices, this paper also aims to shed light on the interdependent and dynamic nature of the relationship between anthropologists and social contexts. Anthropologists have conventionally used the concept of context as denoting two different objects, ‘context on paper’ and ‘the context of daily life’. Though it is easy to accuse this duality of being ambiguous and misleading, this paper examines the context of daily life by focusing on this analogical duality. The narrative context of this paper is intentionally composed through following the context-making practices of multiple actors. In doing so, this paper tries to make clear that while the existence and perspective of anthropologists become part of the social context they attempt to grasp, that very social context canalizes the anthropologists’ context-making practices on paper that in turn give it shape.