本サイト 一橋大学機関リポジトリ(HERMES-IR)


 倉田 良樹 Yoshiki Kurata
From Theory of Structuration to Sociology of Knowledge (2)
2011年02月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

 According to the theory of structuration, the concept of agency is defined as ‘the stream of actual or contemplated causal interventions of corporeal beings in the on-going process of events-in-the-world’. For Giddens, agency is an abstract concept which refers to the ontological status of actions and/or actors in society. It is the knowledgeability of agency that enables the causal intervention by agency in the event-in-the-world. Because the knowledgeability of agency is always an imperfect one, however, agency cannot control the vicious circle of unacknowledged conditions and unintended consequences of action. Stones has introduced the concepts of ‘the general-dispositional’ and ‘the conjuncturally-specific’ in the discussion of the agents’ imperfect knowledgeability and tried to build up a framework of ‘strong structuration theory’ which could be applied to the theoretical causal explanation of various types of concrete social events.
 In the latter part of the paper, the author tried to establish a theoretical framework of ‘sociology of knowledge’ on the basis of strong structuration theory according to Stones. It is difficult for agents in the everyday world to revise their general disposition and to control the causal effect of external structure by their critical reflection, because they usually accept their general disposition as being natural. It is important that the sociology of knowledge should explain the possibility of transformation in the agents’ ‘generaldispositional’, which could be caused by some unexpected social events. In addition, agents can accomplish knowledgeable mastery of external structure by their ‘conjuncturally-specific’. With regard to the‘conjuncturally-specific’, it would be interesting for sociology of knowledge if the overactive agents who possess strong conjuncturally specific knowledge were deeply embedded in the existing social institutions as passive receivers of external structure. In the final part of the paper, the author exemplified some of the key concepts for sociology of knowledge that should be applied to the analysis of employment relations.