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 湯浅 俊介、辛 承理、赤嶺 淳 Yuasa Shunsuke, Shin Seunglee, Akamine Jun
韓半島東南部における捕鯨の記録① 韓海に君臨した東洋捕鯨株式会社
History of Modern Whaling in the Southeastern Korean Peninsula : A Preliminary Analysis
2024年03月 発行

[ 要旨 ]



[ Abstract ]

  The Japanese whaling industry faces turbulent times. Over 90 years have passed since the country’s first Antarctic whaling expedition in 1934, but its ships have not returned to the region since 2019, when Japan withdrew from the IWC (International Whaling Commission). This is because the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, enacted in 1998, prevents non-IWC member countries from whaling in the Antarctic. Japan now produces whale meat for the domestic market exclusively from animals caught within its Exclusive Economic Zone. Although its whaling ships no longer operate outside of this 200-nautical-mile zone, Japan is the only country in the world which still operates a factory ship whaling fleet. Such fleets were originally developed in the 1920s for producing whale oil on the high seas in regions such as in Antarctica, and then shipping this oil directly to metropolises such as London and Amsterdam. Considering that Japan’s pre-war factory whaling fleets produced almost exclusively whale oil in the Antarctic, along with other whaling nations such as the United Kingdom and Norway, its modern whaling operations have evolved into something completely different. This transition can only be understood in the context of the history of Japanese modern whaling, the development of which has its roots in the Korean Peninsula. This paper has two goals: 1) to examine the development of modern whaling in the southeast region of the Korean Peninsula, which is often described as the “birthplace of Japanese modern whaling,” and 2) to elucidate how the Korean whaling industry became entangled with its Japanese counterpart after WWII, especially in the 1970s with the development of the global anti-whaling movement and the growing influence of the IWC. The paper illustrates the framework of global whaling politics in relation to international conventions such as the ICRW (International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling) and CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), focusing on the diverse and plentiful cetacean species in Korean waters. It then explores the history of Korean whaling from ancient times through the country’s post-war independence. Finally, the paper explains the development of whaling politics within Korea, focusing on the Korea-US and Korea-Japan relationships.

Keywords:whaling politics, history of modern whaling, Korean whaling, cetaceans of Korea, whaling order in the Northwest Pacific

[Abstract(Other Languages) ]

한반도 동남부 , 포경의 기록
유아사 슌스케 , 신 승리 , 아카미네 쥰

유아사 슌스케
신 승리
아카미네 쥰

일본의 포경선단이 처음 남극해에 진출했던 1934 년으로부터 90 년이 지났다 . 그동안 일본의 포경은 큰 변화를 이루었다 . 과거 공해에서 세계상품인 고래기름을 생산했던 것과는 달리 , 배타적경제수역에서 국내시장을 겨냥한 고래고기만을 생산하게 되었다 . 일본 포경업의 미래를 그려 나가기 위해서는 일본 근대 포경업의 전개과정을 비판적으로 다시 살펴보는 작업이 필요하다 . 이를 위해 이 논문은 일본 근대 포경의 ‘요람’ 이라고 부를만한 한반도 동남부의 근대 포경 역사에 주목하여 , 해방 후 한국에서 한국인의 손에 의해 구축된 한국 포경과 일본 포경이 밀접하게 관련되어 있었던 사실을 밝히고자 한다 . 구체적으로는 선행연구와 관련자료에 의거하여 ①이 논문이 포경정치라 부르는 고래류 관리의 국제적 틀에 대해 국제포경위원회 (IWC) 와 워싱턴조약(CITES) 을 중심으로 설명한 다음 ②한반도 주변해역 ( 韓海 ) 에서 고래류 자원의 다양성과 풍요성 ③한반도에 근대 포경이 도입된 경위 ④식민지 시대의 근대 포경 ⑤해방 후 한국에서 한국 포경이 구축된 과정을 탐구하고자 한다 . 마지막으로 ⑥1970 년대 이후의 포경정치가 일본에서는 포경업계에 의한 비행과 불의에 의해 전개되고 , 한국은 한일 및 한미관계 사이에서 흔들려온 궤적을 추적하기로 한다 .

키워드 : 포경정치 , 근대 포경사 , 한국 포경 , 한해 ( 韓海 ) 의 고래류 , 북서태평양의 포경질서