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 小椋 宗一郎 Souichirou Ogura
ドイツにおける妊娠中絶論争 : 法と技術の倫理から身体と対話の倫理へ
The Abortion Debate in Germany : From the Ethics of Right and Technology to the Ethics of Body and Dialogue
2009年03月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

“Human dignity” exists in every “human life”. On this normative principle, abortions and the use of human embryos in research etc. have been strictly regulated in Germany. But the regulation of abortions has changed since 1993 to some degree. Excessively strict punishments for abortions are now avoided and practical efforts through “pregnancy conflict counseling” to reduce the number of abortions have been introduced, on the grounds of theoretical construction based on a key term “pregnancy conflict”. In this paper we see how the history of the abortion debate in Germany is connected to the current situation. On the one hand, Robert Spaemann is chosen as one of the representatives of pro life advocacy and his arguments are examined critically from our current viewpoint. On the other hand, we review the women’s movements vehement attempts to repeal the abortion law in 1970’s Germany and examine how their claims were interpreted. Then, we examine Barbara Duden’s fundamental criticism of the domination of technical images of “the life”, so that we can clarify the part the abortion debate played in forming the “Bioethik” in Germany.