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 上野 太祐 Taisuke Ueno
What Is the Significance of the Maxim "Don't Forget Your Shoshin" in the Development of Zeami’s Thought?
2014年04月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

 In this paper, I explore the maxim “Don't forget your shoshin” found in Zeami's (c.1363-c.1443) works Fushikaden and Kakyo. The maxim is one of the most important principles of his Noh theater theory. The word shoshin means a beginner's spirit or a beginner. However, in the maxim, the meaning of shoshin is slightly different.
 In total, there are three instances of the maxim in these works, but there are significant differences between them. First, in section five of Fushikaden, the maxim specifies that a player must learn different types of mime for different audiences. This advice is technical. On the other hand, in section seven of Fushikaden, the maxim is more general: that a player must use their life experience or memory (nen-nenkyorai) to depict a character of any age.
 However, the ultimate expression of “Don't forget your shoshin” can be found in Kakyo, where there are three different meanings of the maxim in this text. The first conveys, “Don't forget your earlier performance,” the second conveys, “Don't forget your techniques through the years,” and the third conveys, “Don't forget what to do when you are old.” My analysis of the forms given to the maxim in Kakyo reveals the development of Zeami's thought.
 In particular, I draw on Zen philosophy and the philosophy of the Zen monk Kiyo-Hoshu (c.1361-1424), whose circle Zeami was known to attend frequently. In one of his verses, Hoshu wrote, "Shoshin equals goshin," where shoshin means a beginner monk and goshin means a mature monk, which reveals the paradoxical relation of his understanding of shoshin and goshin. Furthermore, Zeami also expressed this paradox in Kakyo as well. Nevertheless, differences can be found between the Noh actor and playwright and the Zen poet, and it is necessary to investigate the implications of these differences to understand the unique nature and development of Zeami's thought.