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 秋山 道宏 Michihiro Akiyama
日本復帰前後の沖縄における島ぐるみの運動の模索と限界 ―尖閣列島の資源開発をめぐる運動がめざしたもの―
Exploring the Possibility of Sparking a Movement Involving all Inhabitants of Okinawa at the time of the Reversion: Objectives Behind the Struggle for Resource Development on Senkaku Islands
2012年12月 発行

[ 要旨 ]

 本論説では、この運動が、日本国家への統合過程において沖縄の政治や開発の方向性が決められていく中で、それに対する抵抗運動としてどのような意味を持ちえたのかについて考察した。沖縄戦後史の研究において、開発のあり様が政治的要求と深く関わりながら決定されたことは、島袋純(2010)や鳥山淳(2009)などの視点から明らかにされ始めている。しかしながら、復帰前後の事象を上述の観点から資料を紐解き、歴史的事実として明らかにした研究は乏しい。そのため、ここでは、事象を時系列的に把握できる新聞資料に依拠し、行政資料(琉球政府文書およびUSCAR 文書)を補足的に用いて、この運動が経た過程を明らかにすることを重視した。

[ Abstract ]

 This paper examines the events that unfolded at the time of the Reversion of Okinawa, a social movement that began in the 1960s, which was concerned with resource development on Senkaku Islands. In recent years, researchers like Shimabukuro (2010) and Toriyama (2009) have argued that the basic economic development policy of Okinawa was determined by the political interests of the Japanese government and USCAR. Few studies examine the events surrounding the Reversion of Okinawa from this perspective. This paper argues the importance of struggle in the context of the political and economic development of Okinawa through its integration with Japan.
 Two significant movements in Okinawa history post WWII, the Land Struggle of the 1950s and the Return Movement of the 1960s, were a part of what was referred to as“ Shimagurumi” Struggles, or struggles involving all inhabitants of the Okinawan islands. One feature of these struggles is that both conservatives and progressives tried to reach a common understanding or point of agreement, which did not happen before the Reversion of Okinawa owing to fierce opposition on the part of the conservatives (Sakurazawa 2009, 2010). However, at this point, there appeared to be signs of development of a collective movement involving all Okinawan inhabitants, a movement aimed at initiating resource development on Senkaku Islands. The objective was to develop these islands for the Okinawan people’s benefit and to ensure Okinawa’s autonomy and independence. Although in the “Shimagurumi” Struggles the people were united for political reasons, the struggle for resource development on Senkaku Islands involved economic interests. Ultimately, this struggle came to no avail, because the issue was trivialized to developers’ interest as a result of Okinawa seeking autonomy and independence only at the economic level.
 This paper therefore focuses on revealing the process behind this struggle, relying mainly on local newspapers and offi cial documents of the Ryukyu Government and USCAR for data. An in depth analysis of the abovementioned process around the time of the Reversion can offer meaningful insights into the social movement and political issues that arose after the 1995 Futenma issue.