本サイト 一橋大学機関リポジトリ(HERMES-IR)


 尹 秀麗 Yin Xiuli
中国の生活ごみ処理の現状とごみ処理有料化政策 ——遼寧省・大連市を事例に——
Current Status of Household Waste Treatment in China and its Charging Policy for Waste Collection : A Case Study of Dalian Liaoning
2008年06月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

This paper describes present status of household-waste treatment in the metropolitan area of Dalian,China,specifically,in Dalian A Block. This paper also discusses the pros and cons of waste-incineration and evaluates garbage collection fee policy in Dalian.In Dalian,household waste is mainly disposed of in landfill,wherein more than one half(in weight)of the waste consists of food scraps and inorganic material, with high water content and low calorie.As content segregation is not practiced at all,mix rate of recyclable material in household waste is high and the composition of garbage varies even within the Block.Fee policy for garbage collection implemented in Dalian is compared with those of Haerbin, China and Hino,Japan. Dalian’s fee policy is aimed not at waste-reduction but cost-sharing of garbage treatment among the residents. It is further pointed out that the present situation in Dalian demands a thorough control of content segregation, recycling of food scraps, and recovery of recyclable material, rather than a rapid introduction of incineration of waste or any increase garbage collection fee.