本サイト 一橋大学機関リポジトリ(HERMES-IR)


 鵜飼 健文 Takefumi Ukai
ポピュラリティと共同性 ——政治空間の変容の中で——
Popularity and Community; Within the Transition of Political Sphere
2007年01月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

  The theme of this article is the consideration of how the concept of popularity, holding both to be popular and to be of the people, takes place in the political theory which presupposes the social situations of advanced countries including Japan. Here, a problem is how forms of reconstructed communities are reflected in the notion of popularity. These days, the shapes of communities have become unstable. For instance, in the political sphere, political demands regarded once as particular (private) have come to be recognised as holistic (public). Thus, the possibility that all things would be politicised is enhanced. On the other hand, the decline of community is also the decline of civil society as a disciplinary society which consists of communities. In so far as politics bases on the civil society in which all boundaries are waving, it would not be gradually able to maintain territorial democracy. Popularity and communality in politics share this political background. The notion of popularity contains two factors; to be popular and to be of the people. In analyses of contemporary society, the latter factor is often neglected. However, we must focus on the meaning of the people as a new communality in populist representation. In short, to be of the people is included in the representation of populism as communality. Populism articulates multiple political demands which are not realised in given communities and constitutes the people as a new commonality. Thus, populism should be recognized not only as popular indulgence, but also as the will to communality directed to all relative political units.