本サイト 一橋大学機関リポジトリ(HERMES-IR)


 熊坂 元大 Motohiro Kumasaka
On the Concept of Freedom and its Current Problems in the Environmental Ethics
2008年06月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

Although environmental ethics has been a popular theme of ethicsrecently, only few attempts so far have been made at how we canmediate between individual liberty and nature conservation. Weshould not overlook that one of the most decisive differences of ethics between the modern era and the former era is the role individualliberty plays.Formerly it was quite strange if we claim our liberty to do something against social customs.Even Socrates or Antigone didn’t depend on their civil liberties but rather religious law to justify theirbehavior. However, liberty has become of great significance for our morality in the modern era.We can’t even imagine an ethical society without individual liberty. Radical environmentalists say that the nature conservation is a priority matter and we have to regulate economic activities.But they seem sometimes forget how valuable our liberty is. If we try to regulate liberty, we need to be clear and reasonable on how we can justify the regulation.
For this aim, first, we will examine libertarianism, the strictest ideology of anti-regulation. The logic and problem of libertarianism show us why liberal society fails to provide a theoretical foundation of solidarity and altruism as well as the ethical foundation of nature conservation. Then we will study communitarianism, especially C.
Taylor’s philosophy, as a proofreader of liberalism. Taylor discriminates individualism into the two models.One is the subjectivism about value. For this model value is made up from one’s personal decision and therefore has no room for universal value. If I don’t think that nature conservation is valuable, then the discussion about the conservation between us is over.Of course you may think my sense of value is wrong but you can’t blame me because it’s your personal sense of value and it is irrelevant to mine. In other words, self is monological. According to Taylor, this is a wrong theory. In the other model, expressivism, self is dialogical and arise within conversation between subject and its speech community. So in this model value stops being a mere personal issue and becomes our issue. I believe that we can apply Taylor’s arguments about individualism and self to environmental ethics and that his arguments make it possible to provide a foundation of ethical duty to conserve nature.