本サイト 一橋大学機関リポジトリ(HERMES-IR)


 國本 哲史 Satoshi Kunimoto
Expansion of the Sociology of Death: Toward a Representational Study of Death
2018年09月 発行

[ 要旨 ]

 本稿では、こうした方向性で死を研究するにあたって、社会的表象理論を土台としながら、死を社会的表象であると考え、その具体的な研究方針を探るため、表象と死を先駆けて扱ったMary Bradbury の議論を参照した。
 Bradbury の研究から見出されたのは、表象研究を具体的に進めていく際の3つの方針であり、それは、「事実―表象次元」、「表象それ自体の次元」、そして「表象―行為次元」であった。これらについて、それぞれ検討しながら、表象研究としての死の可能性が考察された。

[ Abstract ]

 This paper aims to present a direction to extend the area of “sociology of death,” which has been in the process of being established as a sociological field in recent years in Japan. Until now, the sociology of death has largely been divided into three areas, “interaction with the patient surrounding death,” “bereavement,” and “narratives about death.” However, although these topics cover “living next to death” and “dying,” they do not approach “death” itself. In addition, research has only been conducted using case studies, which are not able to capture enough information about the subject of death.
 Death is an object that can be talked about with few constraints because, for example, it cannot have been experienced by anyone alive. When sociologists target death, we hope to understand the mechanism behind what human beings talk about as well as what is being constructed socially. These are broad themes that have been pursued in sociology since it was established as a field. Thus, the sociology of death needs to be expanded to an area that challenges us with more general questions.
 In this paper, in moving toward such a direction for studying death, we consider death as a social representation relying on social representational theory. We then refer to Mary Bradburyʼs argument to explore its concrete research method.
 Bradburyʼs research has found three levels for the concrete progress of representational research: “fact- representation dimension,” “dimension of representation itself,” and “representation - action Dimension.” Each of these can be used to help us consider the possibility of a representational research of death.
 By developing and expanding the sociology of death in such a direction, death will become an important subject that can elucidate the mechanisms of our semantic world. In addition, the sociology of death can expand an area for exploring social facts about our representations and meanings.