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 赤海 勇人 Hayato Akaumi
Rosa Luxemburg’s Theory of “Socialist Democracy”: On the “Freedom of Those Who Think differently”
2023年07月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

  In September-October 1918, Rosa Luxemburg, one of the leaders of the radical left within the Social Democratic Party of Germany, authored an unfinished manuscript criticizing Bolshevik policies following the October Revolution. Entitled The Russian Revolution, she proposed the creation of “socialist democracy(Sozialistische Demokratie)” as the historical task of the proletariat. The essence of this “socialist democracy” encompasses not only the broad public life of the masses, unrestricted democracy, and free discussion but also the fundamental political freedom that enables the creation of socialism based on these principles, that is, the “freedom of those who think differently.” Her famous proverb, “freedom is always the freedom of those who think differently” (Freiheit ist immer Freiheit der Andersdenkenden), is stated in the margin of the manuscript. This article aims to understand the meaning of this proverb, thereby revealing Luxemburg’s consistent concerns.
  In The Russian Revolution, this idea of political freedom and “socialist democracy” emerge as inseparable. Moreover, they represent the logical conclusions of her political practice and theoretical contributions before 1918, while reflecting the political situations that surrounded her. This article demonstrates these points by analyzing three new materials: “Criticism in the Labor Movement”(1906),“Credo: On the State of the Russian Social Democracy”(1911), and “The Fateful Moment of the Party”(1917). It also incorporates other recently available materials from the 1990s onwards. The analysis reveals that Luxemburg consistently championed the “freedom of those who think differently,” within, and at times against, the Polish Socialist Party, Russian Social Democratic Party, and Social Democratic Party of Germany. Both her arguments for intra-party democracy and “socialist democracy” are based on this idea of political freedom. For Luxemburg, this freedom is the prerequisite for engaging in thorough ideological struggles and developing the political capacity of the working masses, whether before or after the proletariat seizes political power.