
留学生と日本人学生が共に学ぶIntroductory Seminar on Social Research in English A(2024年春夏学期)の履修者募集開始 (3月31日〆切)




エッセイ:400 – 600 words report in word file 英語で記述
テーマ:志望動機 この授業のテーマに興味を持った理由、英語を向上させたい理由、日本に留学した理由、等。




Call for applicants for Introductory Seminar on Social Research in English A (Spring/Summer semester, 2024): Deadline is March 31.

This is a seminar for both international and Japanese students to study basics of social sciences in English with a special focus on migration, race, and ethnicity. The class is designed for both types of students to discuss and exchange their perceptions and ideas about the reality of Japan as a multi-ethnic society. To facilitate in person communication, the number of students is limited to 12. The deadline of application for this course is March 31st, 8pm. Please send a brief statement of purpose (400-600words) via email ().

This class is open for students of all years, but the priority is put on students in the second year due to the level of text and for the purpose of studying abroad.

For further details, please check the procedure in the following page of CELS.

If there is any inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact me (see the above email address).

Assistant professor, Makiko IIO (Global and Transnational Sociology)