
「平和と和解の研究センター(CsPR)」レクチャー・シリーズ グォン・スギン教授(ソウル国立大学)講演のお知らせ


次のように、CsPR レクチャー・シリーズを行います。

日時:2011年10月26日(水) 午後 5時〜6時
場所:佐野書院 小会議室

講師:グォン・スギン(Sug-In Kweon)教授 (ソウル国立大学:文化人類学)
演題:"Japanese Female Settlers in Colonial Korea: Some Preliminary Analysis"

紹介:Sug-In Kweon is Professor of Anthropology at Seoul National University, Korea. She received her B.A. from Seoul National University and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Anthropology from Stanford University (1994). Kweon conducted her long-term dissertational fieldwork in Aizu, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, and did short term fieldworks in Osaka, Nagoya, and Kyoto. She has been interested in the issue of identity politics, in particular, building of identities of marginal groups in modern Japan including local communities, ethnic Koreans in Japan, and Japanese-Brazilian laborers in Japan. During the last several years, her main research interest has centered on Japanese settlers in colonial Korea with a focus on daily lives and practices of the ‘ordinary’ Japanese migrants. Her recent publications include Multicultural Japan and Identity Politics (in Korean, edited book, winner of Excellent Book Award by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Korea), “Japanese Settlers in Colonial Korea: Encounters with Koreans and Formations of Colonial Consciousness” (in Korean), “Returning Ethnic Koreans from Japan in Korea: Experiences and Identities” (in Korean).
