本サイト 一橋大学機関リポジトリ(HERMES-IR)


 高田 一夫 Kazuo Takada
市民社会指標の概念構成 ——調査の仮説——
Basic Hypothesis for Civil Society Index
2007年01月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

  This paper will discuss the hypothesis which makes up the basis for the civil society index that is under development at present which measures the degree of the development of a civil society. The civil society index was developed to measure the phenomenon of the “new civil society” however, the investigation itself would be impossible unless the questions of what a civil society is and what is new about it are identified. The author considers a civil society as a society that is free and equal and will develop the theory from there. It can be said that modern civil society was established along with capitalism=liberalism, therefore, it may be useful to examine the historical division of social policies to evaluate that development. This is because social policies determine the development of civil society.
  As a result, social policies can be divided into 3 categories, including the liberalistic period until the 19th century, collective social policies until the 20th century and “individual” social policies from the 20th century and on. Civil society has developed in the following way, that is, first the classical period, second the organizational society and third the individual society. The new civil society has developed in the third period, in which the range of citizens has expanded greatly and minorities have been included as citizens. The reason for this is the establishment of radical egalitarianism, but the individualization of the society through economic growth is also an important element. However, the birth of a new communality is also another important element. The survey has been designed based on the above.