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 阿部 里加 Rika Abe
Volition as an inner capacity in Arendt’s Willing
2012年12月 発行

[ 要旨 ]

アーレント最晩年の意志論は〈始まり〉の概念で周知されている。しかし、より注目すべきは決意 (volition)の概念に関する議論である。ラテン語で「決める力」「選択する意志」を意味する決意は、人間が世界の中でどのように現れたいかを決める内的能力である。ここでのポイントは、現れるための彼の決定や意欲が彼のものであるという点にある。

[ Abstract ]

 Willing, Hannah Arendt’s last work, is known for the concept of “beginning”; however, a remarkable argument has arisen over its notion of “volition.” “Volition,” which means “the power to decide” or “the will to choose” in Latin, refers to man’s capacity to decide on the form of his worldly presence. His choice of and wish for a certain appearance are his own.
 With regard to the differences between thinking and willing, the former deals mainly with appearance and not with the self. Thinking permits the self to come to terms with the world by watching it as a spectator. In contrast, willing, by withdrawing from the world, is not concerned with appearance but only the inner self. This caring for the self is caused by the internal, command-resistance division of the will; it is precisely “volition” that permits inner man to resist the orders of the will. While Arendt sees “volition” as a paradoxical, self-contradictory faculty, it provides the foundation for human inwardness as a special region of existence.
 Although Arendt’s arguments about the inner capacity have been criticized as a negative aspect of her thought, we should notice the imperative role of this capacity in history and ethics. Arendt explored the inner capacity not only in her last work but also in her middle writings, such as The Human condition, On Revolution, and Eichmann in Jerusalem. Some of Eichmann’s behaviors and words show us that he reflected on his past acts by turning away from history and eventually discovering himself. According to Willing, we can understand this fact as a process in which “volition” creates the person who can be held responsible both for his action and his character.