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 佐々木 隆治 Ryuji Sasaki
価値形態論における「商品語」について : 『資本論』における物象化論の適切な理解のために
"Warensprache" in the Theory of Value Form : For the Appropriate Understanding of the Theory of Reification in Das Kapital
2009年08月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

Marx’s concept of reification is generally defined as .the appearance of social relations between persons as social relations between things". However, this definition is often understood as a mere epistemological .illusion". The concept of reification cannot be fundamentally reduced to the dimension of .illusion"; because reification implies that in the dimension of practice, products become .subject" on the one hand while producers become .object" on the other. .Illusion" is a mere outcome of these practical relations. I want to clarify this point of the theory of reification by interpreting the metaphor of .Warensprache"(the language of commodities); as Marx states in the theory of value form in Das Kapital, a commodity .betrays its thoughts in that language with which alone it is familiar".
When we interpret the theory of value form, our interest tends to focus only on the form. But we must also direct our attention to the practical relation between the value form and the value substance. We cannot completely comprehend the metaphor of .Warensprache" without an understanding of this practical relation.
In a society where persons exchange their products as commodities with each other, each person can only confirm his concrete work as a human work in the abstract by means of the relations which the exchange establishes between the products. Therefore, it is not that persons control the movements of things, but that the movements of things control persons. It is here that the particular logic of the .commodity world" exists. Of course, persons .are not aware of" this because relations between persons appear for them as relations between things. However, they .do it" daily. So the metaphor of .Warensprache" expresses the practical reversal: this inevitable mechanism which regulates human practices is unconsciously built by human acts. The epistemological .illusion" is caused by this practical reverse. Therefore, when we interpret the theory of reification in Das Kapital, we must not overlook the logic of .Warensprache".