本サイト 一橋大学機関リポジトリ(HERMES-IR)


 津崎 克彦 Katsuhiko Tsuzaki
Enhanced Diversity and Essentiality of Non-regular Employees in Japan
2009年08月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

Previous studies have shown that the growth in the number of non-regular employees in Japan since the 1990s has occurred not only in terms of increased share of the labor market, but also in the form of more advanced work duties (herein referred to as ‘nonregular employee essentiality’). However, previous studies have failed to sufficiently explain the reasons behind this ‘non-regular employee essentiality’ or the nature of its impact. In the current study, we have demonstrated the causes and effects of ‘qualitative essentiality’ by analyzing the results of a questionnaire which targeted retail chain stores employing a relatively large number of non-regular employees.
The conclusions of our study are as follows: Firstly, ‘qualitative essentiality’ which was previously perceived in a one-dimensional sense can today be divided into two aspects: ‘versatile essentiality’, which involves the coordination of a large number of comparatively simple duties, and ‘advanced essentiality’, which involves the assumption of high-level duties, a high degree of responsibility and long working hours. Secondly, ‘versatile essentiality’ is developing with a focus on housewives employed on a part-time basis as well as due to a diverse range of corporate human resource management initiatives. However, ‘advanced essentiality’ remains unaffected by non wage-related labor management initiatives and is undertaken by non-regular employees, not including .freeters", and part-time housewives aged 35 years or older. Bearing in mind that non-regular employment has expanded beyond housewives since the 1990s, ‘advanced essentiality’ could be seen as a new phenomenon of this generation. Thirdly, the more ‘essential’ the role that non-regular employees fulfill, the more acute their sense of inequality becomes with regard to the disparity that exists between them and their regular employee counterparts. Instead of encouraging higher turnover rates, this sense of inequality is leading to advocacy among non-regular employees (except part-time housewives) of an expanded system for the appointment of regular employees.