本サイト 一橋大学機関リポジトリ(HERMES-IR)


 倉田 良樹 Yoshiki Kurata
From Theory of Structuration to Sociology of Knowledge
2009年08月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

Setting out from the ontological question on the existence of society, Anthony Giddens' theory of structuration contests voluntarism and reification, the two types of the misconception of society prevalent in the tradition of western social sciences which is itself guided by epistemological dualism. The answer to the question proposed by Giddens was the perspective of the duality of structure. From this perspective, the exsistence of society can be explained by the proposition that structure is both medium and outcome of social action and that structure enters simultaneously into the constitution of the agent and social practices and exists in the generating moment of this constitution. Although the majority of post- Giddensian structuration theorists approve the basic validity of the concept of duality of structure, they reject the straightforward application of this concept to every level of events in society but try to distinguish between the duality which is taken for granted and supported by practical knowledge of agent and the critical and reflexive duality supported by discursive knowledge of agent. In the development of the post-Giddensian structuration theory we can find a very original idea to bridge the two poles of the above mentioned dualities by the concept of a continuum of dualities. The common concern in the post-Giddensian theorists is to build up a more robust idea regarding the knowledgeability which was invented by Giddens. We can grasp the trend of the concept by the post-Giddensian theory of structuration as a sociology of knowledge. Getting inspiration from these ideas, the author tries to develop further the theory of structuration, focusing on duality, structure and agency, the most basic conceptions of structuration. In particular, in the latter part of this paper, the author tries to establish a framework of sociology of knowledge, based on the post-Giddensian theory of structuration, which could be applied to empirical studies on employment relations in contemporary societies.