本サイト 一橋大学機関リポジトリ(HERMES-IR)


 韓 立新 Han Rishin
中国の市民社会論批判 : 私的所有権の確立と社会格差の問題
Criticism of the Theory of "Civil Society" of Chinese Scholars : Problems in the Establishment of Private Property and Difference of Wealth
2009年03月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

Since the paper entitled “Constructing the Civil Society of China” by Deng Zhenglai and Jing Yuejin was published in 1992, Chinese Theory of Civil Society has developed further. Now, it plays an important role in the policy-making and social development of China, and at the same time it has come to a new stage of development.
The primary purpose of the scholars who introduced the concept of civil society into China was to realize democracy in China. However, when civil society actually appeared in China, especially when private ownership was established together with the polarization of wealth, the study of civil society has exceeded what they had initially expected, and the main interests now focusion “Is it possible for China to realize a socialist civil society?” and “How can civil society solve the problem of the difference of wealth?” These questions are closely related to the pre-modernity and the nature of the socialist system and its transformation.
This paper is divided into three parts: (1) civil society and political democratization, (2) civil society and the establishment of private property, and (3) civil society and the difference of wealth. Taking modern Western civil society as its coordinates, it reflects and criticizes the theory of civil society of Chinese scholars. As a conclusion, it points out that their understanding of the political democratization of civil society was inadequate. If China wants to establish a sound civil society, it needs to go back to the original theories of civil society (burgerliche Gesellschaft), especially those of Smith, Hegel, and Marx. The civil society should be analyzed and studied from the perspective of economic society, otherwise it will not be possible to comprehend and explain modern China.