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 大河内 泰樹 Taiju Okochi
啓蒙への関心とその限界 ——初期ハーバーマスの認識論とドイツ観念論——
Das Interesse der Aufklärung und ihre Grenze. Die Erkenntnistheorie des frühen Habermas und der deutsche Idealismus
2008年06月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

In the article "Knowledge and Human Interest" and in the book by the same title in 1968 Habermas developed an epistemological theory as a critique of ideology. Habermas has revived the notion of "interest", adopted from Kant and German Idealism. Drawing upon Horkheimer's writings of the 1930s, he argued that knowledge is associated with particular human interests: the "technical interest" is linked to the empirical-analytic sciences; the "practical interest" is reflected in the historical-hermeneutic sciences, while the "emancipatory interest" underlies critical-reflective knowledge. Habermas was later to abandon this particular epistemological framework for the Critical Theory but it is evident that at the time he was still adhering to Hegelian and Marxist ideas on the development of mankind. It is also clear that he tried to overcome and expand Horkheimer's and Adorno's narrow, as he thought, idea of rationality in the same book - a work, which at that time established him as the successor of critical theory. This paper re-examines the place that the concept of "interest" occupies in German Idealism as far back as Kant, and the role it has played in this philosophical tradition. The author concludes that even though the term originally appeared in the context of scepticism against reason, Habermas intentionally reduced its critical potential in a strategic move seeking a positive understanding of reason.