本サイト 一橋大学機関リポジトリ(HERMES-IR)


 岩佐 茂 Shigeru Iwasa
Die ökologische Form des praktischen Materialismus
2008年06月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

The philosophy of Marx is practical materialism, which claims the transformation of objects. In relation to nature he asserts its active, human transformation. Would he be ecological? My essay will discuss this question. Marx insisted on the purposive activity of human labour. But this purposive activity should be understood from a double perspective. Until now it has been interpreted as the purposive activity to produce a product; however at the same time it must also be acknowledged as the purposive activity that accounts for the influence human beings exert on the environment through the process and results of this labour. This purposive activity, captured through such a double perspective, should not be understood as the master or control of human beings over nature, but as the controlling the relations between human beings and nature. From this perspective, Marx viewed human life as the circulation of matter between human beings and nature and environmental destruction as the disturbance of this circulation of matter between them. The disturbance corresponds with the statement of young Marx that alienated labour alienates nature from human beings. Marx maintained that the alienation of nature or the disturbance of circulation of matter between human beings and nature was caused by the capitalist system. In the "postmodern situation" when the destruction of the environment persistently worsens, it is important to revisit his views on ecology while bearing in mind the differences in the era Marx lived in.