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 御園 敬介 Keisuke Misono
フランスにおける反ジャンセニスム政策の形成 —1654年9月の教皇インノケンティウス10世の小勅書Ex litterisをめぐって——
La formation de la politique antijanseniste en France : autour du bref Ex litteris du 29 septembre 1654 du pape Innocent X
2007年07月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

The sovereignty and the church officially conducted attempts to identify the disciples of Jansenius as heresy coercively under the name of “Jansenism” in mid-17th century France. This paper will attempt to shed light on the process of formation of the political anti-Jansenism. The Ex litteris sent to the General Assembly of the Clergy from Pope Innocent X on September 29th, 1654 has not been paid much attention in the history of Jansenism in the shadows of the Cum occasione (1653) and Ad sacram (1656), however, the Ex litteris was a decisive document that became the turning point for the anti-Jansenist policies in France. Concerning the conviction of Jansenism, the French Church adopted strong measures that exceeded those of the passive Roman Pope through the skillful negotiation by envoy Bosquet, and the French Church was able to prompt the Pope’s indirect expression toward the conviction of Jansenism, which became significant grounds for the oppression used by the General Assembly of the Clergy and led to the forced signing of the Formulary. The process of the oppression against Jansenism can be clearly understood by examining the details of the issuance of the Ex litteris in Rome and the acceptance and application of this document in France.