本サイト 一橋大学機関リポジトリ(HERMES-IR)


 太田 泰幹 Taiki Ohta
The Role of Intuition and Deliberation in Moral Judgment
2023年08月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

  In the realm of moral judgments, we often find ourselves torn between making decisions based on emotional and intuitive responses or relying on rational and deliberative thinking. This is a conflict between sentimentalism, which emphasizes the importance of emotional and intuitive processes in moral judgments, and rationalism, which advocates rational and deliberative processes. How should we think about this conflict? If emotions and reason were not the subjects of empirical research, then their claims would have no basis for conflict. But we can view their conflict in terms of the role of different mental processes in moral judgment. If the question is about the mechanisms of mental processes, we can expect to find a solution through empirical research.
  This article, therefore, explores the basis for thinking about the conflict between sentimentalism and rationalism according to dual process theory, a cognitive science theory that posits that two distinct mental processes—intuitive and deliberative processes—influence judgment. The default-interventionist model, which explains the relationship between these processes, is the standard framework. It suggests that judgments are guided by slow but precise deliberation that corrects for fast but crude intuition. In recent years, however, alternatives to the default-interventionist model have been proposed and tested. One promising alternative, the hybrid model, suggests that intuition plays a more substantive role in judgment than traditionally believed.
  Critics, including rationalist utilitarians, have questioned sentimentalism based on the limited role intuitive processes seem to play in judgment, according to the standard understanding of dual process theory. However, advancements in dual process theory challenge such criticism. According to the hybrid model, intuitive processes are thought to play a larger role in judgment than previously assumed. Thus, even if we adopt a utilitarian perspective, dual process theory does not undermine the validity of sentimentalism.