本サイト 一橋大学機関リポジトリ(HERMES-IR)


 青木 崇 Takashi Aoki
“Word Became Flesh”: The Critique of Violence in Benjamin and Arendt
2022年11月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

  This study analyses how Hannah Arendt, the political philosopher, responded to her old friend Walter Benjamin’s ‘Toward the Critique of Violence’ (1921) in On Revolution (1963). In his early essay ‘On Language as Such and on the Language of Man’ (1916), Benjamin saw a certain potential in human language and depicted its corruption as the main theme. If this insight on the linguistic potential was succeeded not only in ‘The Task of the Translator’ (1921) but also in ‘Toward the Critique of Violence’, then his philosophy of language may have flowed into On Revolution as well. Thus, the purpose of this study is to discern Arendt’s hidden inheritance of Benjamin’s philosophy of language.
  Although Benjamin’s name does not appear in On Revolution, the theoretical connection between the two works can be found in the issue of ‘mythic violence’— the law-making violence and the law-preserving violence. The contrast between the French and the American Revolution, which Arendt has drawn as a difference in the way of dealing with the problem of pouvoir constituent and pouvoir constitué, can be re-interpreted as that with ‘mythic violence’. On the one hand, the French Revolution attempted to eliminate the problem of law-making and law-preserving in one fell swoop by basing every law and government on the nation’s will. On the other hand, the American Revolutionaries made a distinction between ‘power’ and ‘authority’— between law-making and law-preserving — and seemed to have overcome it through both historical fortune and their practical deliberation. However, their constituting acts and spirit were forgotten despite the fact that the American Constitution itself has eventually started to be worshiped and authorized as ‘the written document’ without divine authority, and this paradoxical canonization stabilized and maintained it. Contrary to this trajectory of the American Revolution, Arendt brings to light the possibility that their actions and spirit were not forgotten and that the founding words of ‘divine violence’ could shatter the chain of mythic violence and usher in Novus Ordo Saeclorum (a new order of the ages).