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 高橋 駿仁 Shunji Takahashi
Study of History in the Early Enlightenment: Fréret’s Method of the Study of History and the Problem of Religion
2022年05月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

 After Descartes, the study of history in France developed around Christianity. Christianity opposed Pyrrhonism, which claimed that history could not tell the truth. As a result, it tried to present the possibility of reaching the truth of history by examining methods of the study of history. This apologetic study of history intended to “study history for religion” and defended the history described in the Bible. Nicolas Fréret, a member of the Académie royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (one of the royal academies under the Ancien Régime), criticized the study of history before eighteenth century including the apologetic one, and proposed a new method for the study of history. This paper aimed to examine the method which Fréret had proposed in his works and clarify his interests and focus area in the study of history.
 Fréret criticized the “esprit de système” (spirit of system) that had ruled the study of history for several centuries. Instead, he emphasized the importance of the “esprit philosophique” (philosophical spirit). It was important for him to compare and strictly examine historical testimony, and heighten the degree of probability as much as possible, instead of writing a systematic and well-arranged history by deduction. Fréret thought that this method made it possible to extract historical facts from narratives such as myths, which were considered as improbable. Fréret attacked the apologetic study of history using the method that he had established, and this led to a severe criticism of religion. However, that was not a criticism of religion itself, but one for the distortion of history for its own benefit. Fréret, in his works, implied criticism for that kind of distortion which Christianity had done. Nevertheless, since religions and documents concerning them did not lose their value, Fréret thought that they should not be abandoned in the study of history.