本サイト 一橋大学機関リポジトリ(HERMES-IR)


 丹羽 充 Mitsuru Niwa
難しく危険なコミュニケーション ――ネパールのプロテスタントの間で観察された不信の言説――
Difficult and Dangerous Communication: The Discourse of Suspicion as Observed among Protestants in Nepal
2015年03月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

 In this paper, I shall focus on and scrutinize the discourse of suspicion, which tempts one to detect insincerity in others and level distrust against them in communication, and the form of communication contextualized by this discourse as observed among Protestants in Nepal. The discourse of suspicion, which circulates widely and deeply among them, functions as one of the contexts of communication, in the sense that it evokes or provides certain interpretations of speech and behavior of others. Therefore, at first in this paper, I shall analyze the contextualization of communication by the discourse of suspicion in this sense.
 The discourse of suspicion, in reality, also functions as another context of communication. It is not only the discourse of suspicion itself that contextualizes communication, but also does the very fact that the discourse circulates. That is, the fact that the discourse of suspicion circulates widely and deeply and evokes or provides certain interpretations of speech and behavior of others inevitably suggests that there is the possibility that one’s own speech or behavior may be interpreted according to the discourse of suspicion by a communication partner. At the same time, the fact that the discourse circulates also suggests that a communication partner, too, takes into consideration the possibility that his/her own speech or behavior may be interpreted according to the discourse of suspicion. Therefore, when engaging in communication, one has to take into consideration these possibilities as a precondition of communication and be prepared to act accordingly.
 Because the discourse of suspicion is so widespread, the reflexivity in communication is increased. As a result, communication becomes ever more difficult and dangerous. In the latter part of this paper, I shall analyze the contextualization of communication by the fact that the discourse of suspicion widely and deeply circulates among Protestants in Nepal.