本サイト 一橋大学機関リポジトリ(HERMES-IR)


 前田 泰樹 Hiroki Maeda
Rethinking “Sociological Description”
2015年03月 発行

[ 要旨 ]


[ Abstract ]

 The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how to describe the practices of “contextualizing” and “decontextualizing”. From the ethnomethodological point of view, context is not merely a resource for sociological study, but the practice of contextualizing itself is a topic of inquiry. Contextualizing and decontextualizing are problems for the participants in such practices. I will show how and in what sense we can specifically describe the practice of contextualizing.
 In this paper, I first review the argument of "sociological description" presented by H. Sacks, who, together with H. Garfinkel, established the discipline of ethnomethodology. This argument shows that the intelligibility of any description of action depends on the usage of ordinary concepts, and that describing action itself is a practice in the specific context. Based on this examination, I illustrate the reflexivity between description and context.
 Second, by rethinking G. Ryle's concept of “thick description”, which is quoted in C. Geertz's essay of the same name, I show that the “thickness” and “thinness” of descriptions depend on each context. The point of this examination is to demonstrate that these descriptions are not immediately contradictory to each other. Then, by analyzing the collaborative work by nurses in an acute care ward as a case of contextualizing in practice, I will demonstrate how to respecify plural descriptions in accordance with plural contexts.
 Third, I explicate the problem of retrospective redescription of the past by using new concepts, which is formulated in I. Hacking's Rewriting the Soul. The discussion of child abuse in this book is a prominent example of contradictions among plural descriptions. By examining this argument, I present a way to respecify the controversy as a specific phenomenon. Then, I will introduce narratives of people with a genetic disorder who have experienced altered perspectives of that disorder by acquiring and applying new concepts. This analysis shows that redescribing past experiences is a way of de-contextualizing.
 By rethinking these arguments, and based on demonstrations of analyzing these practices, I will show the direction of ethnomethodological consideration of contextualizing as members' practices.