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 深澤 英隆 Hidetaka Fukasawa
宗教経験論と脱文脈化 ――シュライアマハー『宗教について』をめぐって――
The Discourse on Religious Experience and the De-contextualization: On Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Über die Religion.
2015年03月 発行

[ 要旨 ]

 シュライアマハーの『宗教について』[1899]は、さまざまな意味で宗教思想史上の画期をなす業績である。同書においてシュライアマハーは、それまでキリスト教的伝統において、「神の経験的認識」(cognitio dei experimentalis)としてキリスト教的文脈に埋没していた経験概念を、キリスト教的文脈から切り離して論じた。またシュライアマハーにとって第一義的に問題であったのは、キリスト教でもキリスト教的神でもなく、「宗教」という一般概念で表される生の領域であった。そこでは宗教の概念が、キリスト教から決定的に切り離されて脱文脈化されていると言うことができる。しかしこうした一方で、これらの脱文脈化の操作は、シュライアマハーにとっては同時にキリスト教の新たな形での正当化の試みでもあった。その意味で、宗教や宗教的経験の理念は、シュライアマハーによってキリスト教の伝統へと再文脈化されることになる。『宗教について』にはこのように、近代における宗教伝統の脱文脈化/再文脈化の複雑な動態をうかがうことができる。

[ Abstract ]

 The concept of de-/re-contextualization can be used as a heuristic means for understanding the history of religion. In this paper I explore the processes of the de-/re-contextualization of religious traditions under modernity in terms of the philosophical ideas of the German thinker, Friedrich Schleiermacher.
 The appearance of the universal concept of religion in modern Europe was made possible through de-contextualization of the concept of religion that was embedded in the Christian tradition. Once decontextualized, this concept served as a central tool for the legitimation of Christianity. Christianity itself was in need of a conceptual tool that would give foundation to it in the era of the ongoing de-christianization of society and culture. The philosophical testimony which reveals this situation most
vividly is the early work of Friedrich Schleiermacher, Über die Religion (1899).
 Schleiermacher’s Über die Religion counts as one of the most revolutionary works in the western history of religious ideas. In this work, Schleiermacher separated the idea of the religious experience, which was immersed in the Christian tradition as cognitio dei expermentalis, from its Christian context, and treated it as a universal concept. It was not Christianity or the Christian God that mattered in this book, but “religion” as a specific realm of life. We can observe here the process of de-contextualization (de-christianization) of the concept of religion. On the other hand, however, this very procedure of de-contextualization also meant for Schleiermacher a new way of legitimating Christianity. Therefore Schleiermacher’s de-contextualization of the ideas of religion and religious experience functioned simultaneously as their re-contextualization into the Christian tradition. In de-contextualizing the concept of Religion, Schleiermacher de-contextualizes Christianity. Furthermore, according to Schleiermacher, Christianity itself possesses the principle of de-contextualization in its “original intuition”. In this way, Schleiermacher’s Über die Religion shows us the dynamics of the complicated processes of the de-/re-contextualization of the religious traditions under modernity.