・Affirmative Action Register
・African American review / Division on Black American Literature and Culture of the Modern Language Association
Terre Haute, Ind. : Department of English, Indiana State University
・Afro-Americans in New York life and history Buffalo, N.Y. : Afro-American Historical Association of the Niagara Frontier
・The Alabama review : a quarterly journal of Alabama history Alabama : University of Alabama Press
・American Anthropologist / American Anthropological Association. Washington, D.C. 継続前誌:American Anthropologist. N.S
・American anthropologist / American Anthropological Association. Washington, D.C. 継続前誌: Transactions of the Anthropological Society of____
・American anthropologist. Memoir / The American Anthropological Association. Menasha, Wisconsin 継続前誌: American anthropologist American Anthrological Association
・American anthropologist-. N.S. Washington 継続前誌: American anthropologist / American Anthropological Association
・American anthropologist. New Series: Memoir Series of the American Anthropological Association. New York
・American Asian review.New York
・American bank directory. Morcross, Ga.
・American Bankers Association banking literature index. Washington
・American bankruptcy law journal / The National Conference of Referees in Bankruptcy. Bangor, Maine 継続前誌: Journal of the National Conference of Referee in Bankruptcy
・American bar association journal / American Bar Association.Baltimore 継続前誌: Annual bulletin Comparative Law Bureau of the ABA, 継続後誌: ABA journal
・American Bar Foundation research journal. Chicago 継続後誌: Law & social inquiry.
・Aaerican behavioral scientist. Princeton, 'N.J. 継続前誌: Political research : Organization and design / Institute of Political Science of Princeton
・American business : combined with systems.Chicago, 111. 吸収前誌: Industrial relations :a magazine for employers
・American business law journal / American Business Law Association. Bloomington 継続前誌: Bulletin / American Business Law Association
・American criminal law quarterly / American Bar Association. Chicago 継続後誌: American criminal law review
・American criminal law review / Section of criminal Law, American Bar Association and University of Kansas School of Law. Chicago 継続前誌: American criminal law quarterly
・American Economic Association quarterly. Baltimore 継続前誌\: Publications of the American Economic Association. Ser.3
・American economic review. Ithaca, N.Y. 継続前誌: The economic bulletin
・American economist. New York
・American educational research journal. Washington
・American federationist / American Federation of Labor. Washington
・American federationist : devoted to the interests and voicing the demands of the trade unicn movement. Washington, D.C. 継続後誌:The AFL-CLO American federationist.
・American federationist. [Microfilm ed.] New York 継続後誌: AFL-CIO American federationist.
・American Folklore Society newsletter. Washington
・American historical review / American Historical Association. New York.
・American insurance digest. Chicago 継続前誌:The insurance monitor
・American insurance digest and insurance monitor. Chicago, 111. 継続前誌: American insurance digest
・American Jewish history / American Jewish Historical Society quarterly publication w Waltham, Mass.
・American journal of comparative law / American Association for the Comparative Study of Law. Baltimore, Md.
・American journal of criminal law. Austin, Tex.
・American journal of education. Chicago 継続前誌: The School review
・American Journal of International Law / American Society of International Law. Washington, D.C.
・American journal of jurisprudence : an international forum for legal philosophy / Metre Dame University. Law School-. Notre Dame 継続前誌: Natural law forum / Motre Dame Law School
・American journal of legal history : Official publication of American Society for Legal History / Temple university. Philadelphia ZMA-34: 1-33+ 1957-1989
・American journal of mathematical and management sciences. New York
・American journal of mathematics / Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore 継続前誌: American journal of mathematics pure and applied
・American journal of mathematics / The Johns Hopkins university and American Mathematical Society [Reprint ed.] U.S.A.
・American journal of physics / American Institute of Physics. New York 継続前誌: American physics teacher
・American journal of small business. Baltimore 継続後誌: Enterpreneurship theory and practice
・American journal of sociology. Chicago
・American journalism. Tuscaloosa, Ala.
・American labor legislation review / American Association for Labor Legislation. New york. 継続前誌: Legislative review
・American laborer. New York
・American law register. Philadelphia 継続後誌:American law register. New Series
・American law register. Philadelphia 継続前誌: American law register and review
・American law register and review. Philadelphia 継続前誌: The American law register. Third Series
・American law register. New Series. Philadelphia 継続前誌: American law register
・American law register. Third Series. Philadelphia 継続前誌: Agerican law register. New Series
・American literature : a journal of literary history, criticism, and bibliography. Durham
・American literature : a journal of literary history, criticism, and bibliography. [Reprint ed.] Nendeln
・American management review. New York 継続前誌: Personnel administration / National Personnel Association
・American maritime cases. Baltimore 異名誌: AMC
・American mercury. New York 継続前誌: New American mercury
・American mercury : A monthly review. New York 吸収前誌: Common sense
・American museum, or, Repository. Philadelphia
・American naturalist / The American Society of Naturalists. Lancaster
・American philosophical quarterly. Bowling Green, OH
・American political science review / American Political Science Association. Menasha, Wis.
・American quarterly. Philadelphia, Pa.
・American quarterly [Reprint ed.] New York
・American review of Canadian studies. Washington, D.C.
・American review.(The) [Reprint ed.] New York
・American scholar. Washington, D.C. 継続前誌: Phi beta kappa
・American scholar. Washington
・American Schools of Oriental Research newsletter. Baltimore, Md.
・American sociological review : The official journal of the American Sociological Society. Menasha, Wis. 継続前誌: Papers and proceedings.. annual meeting American Sociological Society
・American sociologist. New Brunswick, N.J. Publishers various
・American Speech / American Bialect Society. [Reprint ed.] New York
・American speech : a quarterly of linguistic usage / American Dialect Society. Baltimore, Md.
・American statistical association bulletin. Washington, D.C. 継続前誌: Bulletin / American Statistical Association
・American statistician : publication for th statistical profession / American Statistical Association. Washington, D.C. 継続前誌: American statistical association bulletin.
・American studies : an international newsletter / Committee on International Exchange of Persons. Washington, D.C. 継続後誌: American studies international
・American studies in Scandinavia. Copenhagen
・American studies international. Washington, D.C. 継続前誌: American studies : an international newsletter
・American university law review. Washington 継続前誌: American university intramural law review
・American university law review. Washington
・American workman : An illustrated magazine of practice and theory for all workmen, professional and amateur. New lork Frank
・The Americas : a quarterly review of inter-American cultural history Washington D.C. : Academy of American Franciscan History
・Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science / American Academy of Political and Social Science. Philadelphia
・The annotated Immigration Act of Canada Toronto : Carswell , 1984―
・Bulletin / Canadian Ethnic Studies Association
・Business history review / President and fellows of Harvard College Boston : Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration 継続前誌:Bulletin of the Business Historical Society
・Canadian ethnic studies = Etudes ethniques au Canada / Canadian Ethnic Studies Association Calgary, Alberta
・Chronicle of Higher Education. Washington, D.C.
・Church history / American Society of Church History Scottdale, Pa. : The American society of church history
・Civil War History : A Journal of the middle period. Kent, Ohio
・Contention : debates in society, culture, and science Bloomington, Ind. : Indiana University Press
・Critical Inquiry Chicago
・Critical Sociology. Eugene, Or.
・Cross-cultural research : the journal of comparative social science Newbury Park, CA : Sage Publications , 1993-
・Cultural anthropology. Wanshington
・Cultural critique. New York
・Cultural hermeneutics. Dordrecht 継続後誌: Philosophy & social Criticism / David M. Rasmussen, Boston College
・Cultural Studies. London
・Discourse : Berkeley journal for theoretical studies in media and culture Berkeley
・The economic history review. [Series 1] Reprint ed. New York : Kraus
・Economic and political weekly Bombay : Sameeksha Trust
・Ethnic groups London
・Ethnic and racial studies London : Routledge journals
・Ethnicity New York
・Gender & history Oxford : Basil Blackwell
・Historical methods / Dept. of History of the University of Illinois Washington, D.C.
・History of economic ideas
・History of education quarterly / the History of Education Society Pittsburgh, Pa. : University of Pittsburgh
・The History of sociology : HS [Lawrence, KS] : [History of Sociology]
・History and theory The Hague : Mouton
・Immigration journal Washington, D.C. : American Immigration Lawyers Association 雑誌室
・Immigration and nationality law & practice London : F. Cass
・Immigration and nationality law review Buffalo : W. S. Hein
・International journal of politics, culture, and society New York, N.Y. : Human Sciences Press
・Journal of American culture. Bowling Green, Ohio
・Journal of American Ethnic History. New Brunswick, N.J.
・Journal of American Folklore. Washington
・Journal of American Folklore / American Folklore Society. Washington, D.C.
・Journal of American History / Mississippii Valley Historical Association. Bloomington, Ind. 継続前誌: Mississippii Valley Historical Review
・Journal of American Studies. London
・Journal of the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation. Ann Arbor, Mich. 継続前誌: The journal of health and physical education / American Physical Education
・Journal of the American Association of University Teachers of Insurance / American Association of university Teachers of . Cleveland 継続前誌: Proceedings of the annual meeting, 継続後誌: The Journal of Insurance
・Journal of the American Banker's Association. New York 吸収前誌: Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Bankers' Association
・Journal of the American Chemical Society / American Chemical Society. Washington, D.C. 吸収前誌: American chemical journal
・Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology / The American Inst. of Criminal Law and Criminology. Chicago 吸収前誌: American journal of police science
・Journal of the American Institute of Planners. Washington 継続前誌: Planners' journal / American Institute of Planners
・Journal of the American Institute of the City of New York. New York
・Journal of the American Mathematical Society. Providence, RI
・Journal of the American Oriental Society. Ann Arbor, Mich.
・Journal of the American Society of Chartered Life Underwriters / American Society of Chartered Life Underwriters. Philadelphia 継続前誌: C.L.U. Journal
・Journal of the American Statistical Association. Washington, D.C. 継続前誌: Quarterly publications of the American Statistical Association
・Journal of economic history / Economic History Association New York : Kraus Reprint , 1959―1973
・Journal of ethnic studies / The Journal of Ethnic Studies, Western Washington University Bellingham, W.A. : Bellingham, Wash.
・Journal of family history : studies in family, kinship and demography Minneapolis : The National Council on Family Relations
・Journal of the history of ideas / City College of the City University of New York New York : Journal of the History of Ideas, Inc.
・Journal of the history of philosophy / Claremont College, Stanford University, University of California & Winchester Foundation Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press
・Journal of the history of sexuality Chicago, Ill. : The University of Chicago Press
・Journal of multilingual and multicultural development Clevedon, Somerset : Tietro Ltd.
・Journal of narrative and life history Hillsdale, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
・Journal of Negro Education : a Howard University Quarterly Review of Issues incident to the Education of Black People / Bureau of Educational Research, Howard University
・Journal of Negro History. / Washington The Association for the Study of Negro Life and History
・Journal of religion & aging New York, N.Y. : Haworth Press
・Journal of Southern History / The Southern Historical Association. New Orleans
・Journal of urban history Beverly Hills, Calif.
・Journal of women's history Bloomington, Ind. : Indiana University Press
・Journalism history. [Northridge, Calif.]
・Knowledge and society : studies in the sociology of culture past and present Greenwich, Conn.
・Labor history. New York : Tamiment Institute
・Law and history review Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell Law School , [1983―
・Liberal education : The bulletin of the Association of American Colleges / Washington, D.C.
・MultiCultural review : dedicated to a better understanding of ethnic, racial, and religious diversity Westport, CT : GP Subscription Publications
・Negro History Bulletin. Washington, D.C. Association for the Study of Negro Life and History
・New literary history : a journal of theory and interpretation / University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia
・Newsletter / African-American Family History Association Atlanta, Ga. : African-American Family History Association 雑誌室
・Phylon : The Atlanta University review of race and culture Atlanta, Ga. Phylon quarterly : A Review of race and culture / Atlanta University
・Race and class London
・Research in the history of economic thought and methodology Greenwich, Conn. : JAI Press
・Research in race and ethnic relations : a research annual Greenwich, Conn. : JAI Press
・Reviews in American history : a quarterly journal of criticism Westport, Conn. : Redgrave Informations Resources
・Rural history : economy, society, culture Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press
・Sage race relations abstracts / Institute of Race Relations London
・Signs : journal of women in culture and society Chicago : University of Chicago Press
・Socialist Review Durham: Center for Social Research and Education / Duke University
・Studies in eighteenth―century culture / American Society for Eighteenth―Century Studies Cleveland, Ohio : Case Western Reserve University
・Technology and culture / Society for the History of Technology Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 1959―
・Theory, culture & society Middlesbrough, Yorkshire
・Tolley's immigration and nationality law and practice Croydon, Surrey : Tolley Pub. Co.
・Urban history review / National Museum of Man, National Museum of Canada Ottawa
・The Washington Quarterly.
・Women : a cultural review Oxford : Oxford University Press
・Yale review : a quarterly journal of history and political science New York : Augustus M. Kelley